


In Jekyll's Front Matter, is there a way to make references to another document?


I have a custom collection, and would like to add meta-data in each document such as "parent-topic" (a link to the parent), and "children" (an array of documents), or "related-topics".


With such a reference I could access the linked documents' meta-data, such as their title, url, or other arbitrary data.


The idea is a hierarchy of documentation, with topics, sub-topics, sub-sub-topics, etc. And a topic page could show a list of child topics, or a breadcrumb for the parent topics, etc.


真正的问题,应该得到真正的答案.我也遇到了这个文档问题.遵循从Ben Balter提出的建议,我开始使用collections.这个想法是使

Real question that deserve a real answer. I also got this documentation problem. Following advise from Ben Balter, I started to use collections. The idea was to make

  • 反映主题/子主题排列的目录,
  • 每页上有一个面包屑


I gave up because it was simplest to code against pages. So, here's how I do documentation with pages.

  • 文档位于文件夹中,例如:documentation

  • documentation is in a folder eg : documentation



folders hierarchy describes documentation organization


|  |--index.html
|  |--index.html
|  |
|  |--part-1
|  |  |--index.html
|  |  |--subpart-1
|  |     |--index.html
|  |--part-2
|  |  |--index.html
|  |
|  |--part-3.html


Note : documentation/chapter-2/part-2/index.html can also be documentation/chapter-2/part-2.html, because permalink is set to pretty, generated page will be at documentation/chapter-2/part-2/index.html.

  • 同一级别的页面根据weight前题变量进行排序.这可以是您想要的任何东西.十分之一编号可以轻松插入新文档.
  • Pages at a same level are sorted depending on a weight front matter variable. This can be anything you want.Numbering by tenth allows easy insertion for new doc.


title: My title
weight: 10

  • 文档从_config.yml
  • 获取默认变量值

    • documentation get default variables values from _config.yml
    • 示例

            path: "documentation"
            type: pages
            isDoc: true # allows quick extraction from site.pages
            layout: page


      Once those prerequisites are in place, it's easy to print a table of content and a breadcrumb.


      {% assign parentDir = include.dir %}
      {% if parentDir == nil %}<h1>You must specify a root directory</h1>{% endif %}
      {% assign allDocs = include.docs %}
      {% if allDocs == nil %}{% assign allDocs = site.pages | sort: "weight" %}{% endif %}
      {% assign level = include.level %}
      {% if level == nil %}{% assign level = parentDir | remove_first: "/" | split:"/" | size %}{% endif %}
      {% assign maxLevel = include.maxLevel %}
      {% if maxLevel == nil %}{% assign maxLevel = 100 %}{% endif %}
      {% assign nextLevel = level | plus : 1 %}
      {% comment %}+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      Looking for all page in this path with the same level (siblings)
      This avoid to deep recursion and error like :
      __ Liquid Exception: Nesting too deep __
      +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++{% endcomment %}
      {% assign siblings = "" | split: "/" %}
      {% for s in allDocs %}
          {% assign sPageLevel = s.url | remove_first: "/" | split:"/" | size %}
          {% if sPageLevel == level and s.url contains parentDir %}
              {% if s.title %}{% assign siblings = siblings | push: s %}{% endif %}
          {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% for p in siblings %}
          <li><a href="{{site.baseurl}}{{p.url}}"{%if p.url == page.url%} class="active"{%endif%}>{{ p.title }}</a>
          {% if nextLevel <= maxLevel %}
            {% include show-children.html dir=p.dir docs=allDocs level=nextLevel maxLevel=maxLevel %}
          {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% comment %}+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      Because all variables are globales (all includes have the same scope)
      we restore level and nextLevel variables to parent values
      +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++{% endcomment %}
      {% assign level = level | minus : 1 %}
      {% assign nextLevel = nextLevel | minus : 1 %}




      This include can be called with several arguments :

      dir :要探索的根目录(即:/documentation)

      dir : root dir to explore (ie : /documentation)


      docs : an array of pages - default to site.pages

      级别:我们开始打印的级别(/文档处于级别1, /documentation/chapter-1位于级别2,依此类推) 默认为目录"级别

      level: level at which we start printing (/documentation is at level 1, /documentation/chapter-1 is at level 2, and so on) Default to 'dir' level

      maxLevel :在何处停止打印-默认为100

      maxLevel: where to stop to print - default to 100

      Extracting documentation pages
      {% assign documents = site.pages | where: "isDoc", true | sort: "weight" %}
      {% assign dir = "documentation" %}
      This will print all documentation hierachy
      {% include show-children.html dir=dir docs=documents %}
      This will start printing at level 2
      {% include show-children.html dir=dir docs=documents level=2 %}
      This stop printing at level 2
      {% include show-children.html dir=dir docs=documents maxLevel=2 %}


      On page layout if you just want to print page children you can do :

      {% assign documents = site.pages | where: "isDoc", true | sort: "weight" %}
      {% assign level = page.dir | remove_first: "/" | split:"/" | size %}
      {% assign childrenLevel = level | plus : 1 %}
      {% include show-children.html docs=documents dir=page.dir level=childrenLevel %}



      {% assign minLevel = include.minLevel %}
      {% if minLevel == nil %}{% assign minLevel = 1 %}{% endif %}
      <div class="breadcrumb">
      <p>You are here : </p>
      {% assign documents = site.pages | where: "isDoc", true | sort: "weight" %}
      {% include get-parents.html page=page minLevel=minLevel docs=documents %}
      <p>{{ page.title }}</p>
      <style type="text/css">
      .breadcrumb p { display: inline; }
      .breadcrumb p+p+p:before { content:"» "; }


      {% assign currentPage = include.page %}
      {% assign minLevel    = include.minLevel %}
      {% assign allDocs     = include.docs %}
      {% assign pageLevel   = currentPage.dir | remove_first: "/" | split:"/" | size %}
      {% assign parentLevel = pageLevel | minus: 1 %}
      {% if parentLevel >= minLevel %}
          {% for p in allDocs %}
              {% assign pPageLevel = p.dir | remove_first: "/" | split:"/" | size %}
              {% if pPageLevel == parentLevel and currentPage.dir contains p.dir %}
                  {% include get-parents.html page=p minLevel=minLevel docs=allDocs %}
                  <p><a href="{{site.baseurl}}{{p.url}}">{{ p.title }}</a></p>
              {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}


      打印Documentation > chapter 1 > part 1

      {% include breadcrumb.html %}

      打印Chapter 1 > part 1

      {% include breadcrumb.html minLevel=2 %}




09-13 07:47