目前是否可以通过 Ironruby 的预发布来运行 rubygems?好像我必须设置一个环境变量才能找到它们?
Is it currently possible with pre release of ironruby to run rubygems? It seems as if I have to set an environment variable to find them?
您已经能够在 IronRuby 下运行 rubygems 有一段时间了.只需从 codeplex 下载并安装最新的 IronRuby,然后运行 igem
You've been able to run rubygems under IronRuby for quite a while now. Simply download and install the latest IronRuby from codeplex, and run igem
on the command line
我在那个邮件列表中 - 为了节省你的挖掘,几周前有人问过这个问题,这就是答案
I'm on that mailing list - to save you the digging, someone asked this a few weeks ago, and this was the answer
The answer (at this point) is no, you can't, but it doesn't seem like it'll be too far away.
PS:听生硬的.他是 Ironruby 核心团队的成员.<3
PS: listen to curt. He's on the core team for ironruby. <3
这篇关于我可以在 Ironruby 中运行 rubygems 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!