

我想使用选择器使用cloudant db进行查询,例如下面所示:用户希望借入金额超过数字的借贷,如何在cloudant选择器中访问数组以查找特定记录

I would like to query using cloudant db using selector, for example that is shown below: user would like to have loanborrowed whose amount exceeds a number, how to access the array in a cloudant selector to find a specific record

       "_id": "65c5e4c917781f7365f4d814f6e1665f",
      "_rev": "2-73615006996721fef9507c2d1dacd184",
      "userprofile": {

     "name": "tom",
        "age": 30,
        "employer": "Microsoft"

      "loansBorrowed": [
          "loanamount": 5000,
          "loandate": "01/01/2001",
          "repaymentdate": "01/01/2001",
          "rateofinterest": 5.6,
          "activeStatus": true,
          "penalty": {
            "penalty-amount": 500,
            "reasonforPenalty": "Exceeded the date by 10 days"
          "loanamount": 3000,
          "loandate": "01/01/2001",
          "repaymentdate": "01/01/2001",
          "rateofinterest": 5.6,
          "activeStatus": true,
          "penalty": {
            "penalty-amount": 400,
            "reasonforPenalty": "Exceeded the date by 10 days"
          "loanamount": 2000,
          "loandate": "01/01/2001",
          "repaymentdate": "01/01/2001",
          "rateofinterest": 5.6,
          "activeStatus": true,
          "penalty": {
            "penalty-amount": 500,
            "reasonforPenalty": "Exceeded the date by 10 days"


如果使用默认的Cloudant Query索引(键入text,对所有内容建立索引):

If you use the default Cloudant Query index (type text, index everything):

   "index": {},
   "type": "text"


Then the following query selector should work to find e.g. all documents with a loanamount > 1000:

"loansBorrowed": { "$elemMatch": { "loanamount": { "$gt": 1000 } } }


I'm not sure that you can coax Cloudant Query to only index nested fields within an array so, if you don't need the flexibility of the "index everything" approach, you're probably better off creating a Cloudant Search index which indexes just the specific fields you need.


09-21 16:07