为什么我们需要JBoss Fuse作为集成层?为什么在不必将消息放入队列的情况下,两个应用程序不能直接通信?
Why do we need JBoss Fuse as an integration layer? Why can't two application directly communicate in scenarios where we don't have to put message in Queue?
这是经典的ESB的存在理由(=企业服务总线);您始终可以连接两个或多个应用程序以彼此直接通信(并且我们曾经这样做过),但是随着系统的发展,您很快就会达到集成意大利面条的状态,并且需要与越来越多的人进行对话应用程序。发明ESB就是为了解决这种问题,它引入了自己作为集成的中央总线。而JBoss Fuse是ESB产品。
It's the classical raison d'etre of ESB (= Enterprise Service Bus); You can always connect two or more applications to talk directly to each other (and we used to), but you will soon reach the state of Integration Spaghetti while your systems evolve and need to talk to more and more applications. ESB was invented to solve this kind of problem by introducing itself as the central bus for the integrations. And JBoss Fuse is an ESB product.
You can read this Wikipedia article for more info:
所以您不需要使用JBoss Fuse集成您的应用程序。毕竟,JBoss Fuse / ESB只是如何设计和构建整个应用程序系统的一种选择。但是,如果您担心集成意大利面条或受其困扰,那么JBoss Fuse总是可以帮助解决此类问题。
So you do not need to use JBoss Fuse for integrating your applications. After all, JBoss Fuse/ESB is mere one option for how to design and architect your entire applications system. But if you are concerned about or suffer from the integration spaghetti, then JBoss Fuse can always help to solve this kind of problems.
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