


There are applications and services in enterprises that do not need to run all the time and that have a limited user base (say a handful of people).


These applications can be shut down and started either based on scheduling or even better user activity. So, we are talking about on-demand service (say wrapped by a container) and node start-up and shut down.

现在,首先要提到我提到经过身份验证的用户活动的原因是因为在此基础上启动和关闭是有意义的(即,不是基于较低级别的网络流量) )。可以想象涉及到公司的SSO(例如基于OAuth 2)。

Now, first to mention that the reason why I mention authenticated user activity is because is makes sense to startup and shutdown on that basis (i.e. not based on lower level network traffic). One can imagine corporate SSO (say OAuth 2 based) being involved.


So, my question is whether anyone has attempted to implement what I have described using Consul or Kubernetes?

在Consul的情况下,键值存储区可以用于为微型(即小型用户群)类应用程序提供TTL,每个经过身份验证的用户请求访问给定的微型类应用程序时,其TTL会更新。在TTL窗口中,我们要检查节点,容器和服务的运行状况-在窗口之外我们不检查(因为我们要保存在op ex上)。

In the case of Consul, it could be that the key-value store could be used to give "Micro" (i.e. small user base) class applications a TTL, each time an authenticated user requests access to a given "Micro" class application it's TTL is updated. During the TTL window we want to check the health of the node(s), containers and services - outside of the window we don't (since we want to save on op ex).


This question is similar to this autoscaling question, however different in the sense that this use case is about scaling from 0 nodes and then down to 0 based on an authenticated user base (most likely using SSO).


对于,列出了 后续步骤中所述的确切用例。 (即该功能在积压中,可以在v1.1。Kubernetes之后实现)。引用的功能描述()如下:

In the case of Kubernetes, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling documentation lists the exact use case described under Next steps (i.e. the feature is on the backlog and may be implemented after v1.1. of Kubernetes). The cited feature description (Unidling proposal) is as follows:



So basically, it may be possible to do what I've described in future using Kubernetes, but it is not possible right now. This in itself does not address the requirement to only scale from 0 based on authenticated user activity.


It's worth noting, as a cluster-agnostic aside, on-demand container activation based on systemd. This solution will of course not scale back down to 0 without a controlling process, but it's still worth noting.


08-04 04:58