本文介绍了Binary Semaphore vs ReentrantLock的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've been trying to understand Reentrant locks and Semaphores ( the nesting of Reentrant locks vs release/unlock mechanism ).


It seems that having a Semaphore requires you to write a more thoroughly tested application because the release() method does not check if the thread releasing the permit is actually holding it. When I tested my test code, I found out that this may subsequently increase the number of permits beyond the initial limit. On the other hand, if a thread is not holding a reentrant lock when it invokes the unlock method, we get an IllegalMonitorException.

所以说那里是正确的没有真正的理由拥有二进制信号量,因为二进制信号量可以做的所有事情也可以由ReentrantLock完成。如果我们使用二进制信号量,我们必须检查整个方法调用堆栈以查看之前是否获得了许可证(如果有可能进行后续获取,它也会被释放 - 如果某个版本没有继续获取它可能会阻止它等等)。此外,由于重入锁也为每个对象提供一个锁,所以更喜欢将重入锁定为二进制信号量是不是更好?

So would it be right to say that there is no real reason ever to have a binary semaphore as everything that a binary semaphore can do can also be done by a ReentrantLock. If we use binary semaphores we would have to check the entire method call stack to see if a permit was acquired before ( also was it released too if there is a possibility of a subsequent acquire - which might block if a release does not proceed it and so on ). Also since reentrant locks also provide one lock per object, isn't it always a better idea to prefer a reentrant lock to a binary semaphore?


I have checked a post here that talks about difference between a binary semaphore and a mutex but is there a thing like a mutex in Java?



PS - 我在另一个论坛发布了这个问题()我还没有收到回复。我以为我也会在这里发布,看看我能得到什么。

P.S - I had posted this question in another forum ( http://www.coderanch.com/t/615796/threads/java/reason-prefer-binary-Semaphore-Reentrant ) and I haven't received a response yet. I thought I'd post it here as well to see what I can get.



If all you need is reentrant mutual exclusion, then yes, there is no reason to use a binary semaphore over a ReentrantLock. If for any reason you need non-ownership-release semantics then obviously semaphore is your only choice.


It depends on the need. Like previously explained, if you need a simple mutex, then don't choose a semaphore. If more than one thread (but a limited number) can enter a critical section you can do this through either thread-confinement or a semaphore.

ReentrantLock synchronized 是Java中互斥锁的示例。

ReentrantLock and synchronized are examples of mutexes in Java.

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09-11 15:39