

我正在使用此页面上的d3 crossfilter库:

I'm using the d3 crossfilter library on this page:

如果你看第二张图,你会看到x -axis的标签为0.0,0.5,1.0,...,6.0。我需要这些标签是星期几,所以0.0是星期一,0.5不应该在那里我不知道为什么它出现,因为数据中只有整数,1.0应该是星期二等。

If you look at the second graph, you'll see the x-axis has labels 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, ... , 6.0. I need those labels to be days of the week, so 0.0 would be Monday, 0.5 shouldn't be there at all and I don't know why it appeared since there are only whole numbers in the data, 1.0 should be Tuesday etc.


Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Note that all 4 graphs call the same function, and I need to modify the labels (hard-coding them is fine) only for this particular graph.



You should check out ordinal scales. In the meantime, you can make your own tickFormat quite easily:

var weekdays = ["Mon","Tues","Wed","Thurs","Fri","Sat","Sun"];
var formatDay = function(d) {
    return weekdays[d % 7] + "day";


Then just pass it to the scale, e.g.:

var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()


08-20 12:46