


I have two datasets that have similar columns/dimensions but are grouped differently by row and contain different measures.



Year   Category   SubCategory    Value01    Value02
2000   Cars       Sport          10         11
2000   Cars       Family         15         16
2000   Boats      Sport          20         21
2000   Boats      Family         25         26


Year   Category    ValueA     ValueB
2000   Cars        100        101
2000   Boats       200        201

数据集1有自己的crossfilter对象,Dataset 2有一个单独的crossfilter对象。我有多个dc.js图表​​,一些绑定到数据集1,一些绑定到数据集2.

Dataset 1 has its own crossfilter object, Dataset 2 has a separate crossfilter object. I have multiple dc.js charts, some tied to the dataset 1, some to dataset 2.


When a dc.js chart filters dataset 1 on a column/dimension that also exists in dataset 2, I want to apply that same filter to dataset 2. How can this be achieved?



I don't think there is any automatic way to do this in crossfilter or dc.js. But if you're willing to roll your own dimension wrapper, you could supply that instead of the original dimension objects and have that forward to all the underlying dimensions.

编辑:基于@ Aravind的小调,这里是一个维度镜像,至少对于这个简单的例子:

based on @Aravind's fiddle below, here is a "dimension mirror" that works, at least for this simple example:

function mirror_dimension() {
    var dims = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
    function mirror(fname) {
        return function(v) {
            dims.forEach(function(dim) {
    return {
        filter: mirror('filter'),
        filterExact: mirror('filterExact'),
        filterRange: mirror('filterRange'),
        filterFunction: mirror('filterFunction')


It's a bit messy using this. For each dimension you want to mirror from crossfilter A to crossfilter B, you'll need to create a mirror dimension on crossfilter B, and vice versa:

// Creating the dimensions
subject_DA = CFA.dimension(function(d){ return d.Subject; });
name_DA = CFA.dimension(function(d){ return d.Name; });
// mirror dimensions to receive events from crossfilter B
mirror_subject_DA = CFA.dimension(function(d){ return d.Subject; });
mirror_name_DA = CFA.dimension(function(d){ return d.Name; });

subject_DB = CFB.dimension(function(d){ return d.Subject; });
name_DB = CFB.dimension(function(d){ return d.Name; });
// mirror dimensions to receive events from crossfilter A
mirror_subject_DB = CFB.dimension(function(d){ return d.Subject; });
mirror_name_DB = CFB.dimension(function(d){ return d.Name; });


Now you tie them together when passing them off to the charts:

// subject Chart
    .dimension(mirror_dimension(subject_DA, mirror_subject_DB))
    // ...

// subject Chart
    .dimension(mirror_dimension(subject_DB, mirror_subject_DA))
    // ...

    .dimension(mirror_dimension(name_DA, mirror_name_DB))
    // ...

    .dimension(mirror_dimension(name_DB, mirror_name_DA))
    // ...


Since all the charts are implicitly on the same chart group, the redraw events will automatically get propagated between them when they are filtered. And each filter action on one crossfilter will get applied to the mirror dimension on the other crossfilter.

也许不是我会建议的 做的事,

Maybe not something I'd recommend doing, but as usual, it can be made to work.



10-15 20:49