




a href =http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2868673/how-to-support-comparisons-for-q-variant-objects-containing-a-custom-type> 2010年问题和, operator ==()不适用于自定义类型。




 枚举MyEnum {Foo,Bar}; 

class MyClass
int value;

MyClass(int a):value {

bool operator ==(const MyClass&)const
Q_ASSERT(false); //这个方法似乎不是叫做
return false;

bool operator!=(const MyClass&)const
Q_ASSERT(false); //这个方法似乎没有被调用
return true;


并将以下代码插入任何函数: / p>

  QVariant var1 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyEnum>(Foo); 
QVariant var2 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyEnum>(Foo);
Q_ASSERT(var1 == var2); //成功!

var1 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyEnum>(Foo);
var2 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyEnum>(Bar);
Q_ASSERT(var1!= var2); //成功!

QVariant obj1 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyClass>(MyClass(42));
QVariant obj2 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyClass>(MyClass(42));
Q_ASSERT(obj1 == obj2); //成功!

obj1 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyClass>(MyClass(42));
obj2 = QVariant :: fromValue< MyClass>(MyClass(23));
Q_ASSERT(obj1!= obj2); //成功!

我猜想在较新的qt版本中,当 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE ,因此QVariant可以比较未知类型的值。






QVariant :: operator == 对于具有未注册操作符的类型,只需使用 memcmp 。相关片段(在5.1中)为:

  bool QVariant :: cmp(const QVariant& v)const 
QVariant v1 = * this;
QVariant v2 = v;
if(d.type!= v2.d.type)

return handlerManager [v1.d.type] - > compare (& v1.d,& v2.d);

handlerManager 全局对象,用于执行类型感知操作。它包含一个 QVariant :: Handler 对象的数组;每个这样的对象包含指针以对它们知道如何处理的类型执行某些操作:

  struct Handler {
f_construct construct;
f_clear clear;
f_null isNull;
f_load load;
f_save save;
f_compare compare;
f_convert convert;
f_canConvert canConvert;
f_debugStream debugStream;



从Qt 5.2开始,您可以使用 QMetaType :: registerComparator (请参阅)让Qt调用运算符< 和运算符== 您的自定义类型。只需添加到主:

  qRegisterMetaType< MyClass>(); 
QMetaType :: registerComparators< MyClass>();

并且voilà,你会在你的相等运算符中打断assert。 QVariant :: cmp 现在是:

  QVariant v1 = * this; 
QVariant v2 = v;
if(d.type!= v2.d.type)

// *新的重要代码*
if(v1 .d.type> = QMetaType :: User){
//非内置类型(MyClass,MyEnum ...)
int result;
if(QMetaType :: compare(QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(v1.d)),QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(v2.d)),v1。 d.type,& result))
return result == 0;
// as before
return handlerManager [v1.d.type] - > compare(& v1.d,& v2.d);


I have created an qt bugticket hoping the documentation will be extended.

Original Question

Believing an Question from 2010 and the Qt Documentation, the operator==() doesn't work with custom types.


I've tried to reproduce the repro case from the Stackoverflow Question from 2010 and the comparison worked without any problems for me.

I also went a step further and tried comparisons using an own class which also worked perfectly.To reproduce, put the following code into any header:

enum MyEnum { Foo, Bar };

class MyClass
  int value;
  MyClass() : value(0)

  MyClass(int a) : value(a)

  bool operator==(const MyClass &) const
    Q_ASSERT(false); // This method seems not to be called
    return false;

  bool operator!=(const MyClass &) const
    Q_ASSERT(false); // This method seems not to be called
    return true;


And the following code into any function:

QVariant var1 = QVariant::fromValue<MyEnum>(Foo);
QVariant var2 = QVariant::fromValue<MyEnum>(Foo);
Q_ASSERT(var1 == var2); // Succeeds!

var1 = QVariant::fromValue<MyEnum>(Foo);
var2 = QVariant::fromValue<MyEnum>(Bar);
Q_ASSERT(var1 != var2); // Succeeds!

QVariant obj1 = QVariant::fromValue<MyClass>(MyClass(42));
QVariant obj2 = QVariant::fromValue<MyClass>(MyClass(42));
Q_ASSERT(obj1 == obj2); // Succeeds!

obj1 = QVariant::fromValue<MyClass>(MyClass(42));
obj2 = QVariant::fromValue<MyClass>(MyClass(23));
Q_ASSERT(obj1 != obj2); // Succeeds!

I would guess that in newer qt versions the size of a type is aquired when the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE is used so the QVariant can compare values of unknown types bytewise.

But that's only a guess and I don't want to risk the stability of my application by guessing what qt does instead of relying on the documentation.

Can I find out, how the QVariant compares unknown types? I would prefer relying on specification than on implementation.


I'm afraid you'll need to rely on the code (and, being behaviour, it can't be changed without breaking), and not documentation. There's a surprise just below, though.

Here's the relevant code.

QVariant::operator== for types with unregistered operators will just use memcmp. The relevant snippet (in 5.1) is this:

bool QVariant::cmp(const QVariant &v) const
    QVariant v1 = *this;
    QVariant v2 = v;
    if (d.type != v2.d.type) 
        // handle conversions....

    return handlerManager[v1.d.type]->compare(&v1.d, &v2.d);

handlerManager is a global object that gets used to perform type-aware manipulations. It contains an array of QVariant::Handler objects; each of such objects contains pointers to perform certain operations on the types they know how to handle:

struct Handler {
    f_construct construct;
    f_clear clear;
    f_null isNull;
    f_load load;
    f_save save;
    f_compare compare;
    f_convert convert;
    f_canConvert canConvert;
    f_debugStream debugStream;

Each and every of those members is actually a pointer to a function.

The operator[] on the handlerManager will perform some extra magic, namely get the right per-module handler given the type:

return Handlers[QModulesPrivate::moduleForType(typeId)];

Now the type is of course a custom type, so the Handler returned here is the one the Unknown module. That Handler will use the customCompare function in qvariant.cpp, which does this:

static bool customCompare(const QVariant::Private *a, const QVariant::Private *b)
    const char *const typeName = QMetaType::typeName(a->type);
    if (Q_UNLIKELY(!typeName) && Q_LIKELY(!QMetaType::isRegistered(a->type)))
        qFatal("QVariant::compare: type %d unknown to QVariant.", a->type);

    const void *a_ptr = a->is_shared ? a->data.shared->ptr : &(a->data.ptr);
    const void *b_ptr = b->is_shared ? b->data.shared->ptr : &(b->data.ptr);

    uint typeNameLen = qstrlen(typeName);
    if (typeNameLen > 0 && typeName[typeNameLen - 1] == '*')
        return *static_cast<void *const *>(a_ptr) == *static_cast<void *const *>(b_ptr);

    if (a->is_null && b->is_null)
        return true;

    return !memcmp(a_ptr, b_ptr, QMetaType::sizeOf(a->type));

Which, apart from a bit of error checking and handling shared and null variants in a special way, uses memcmp on the contents.

Good news!

Starting with Qt 5.2, you can use QMetaType::registerComparator (see here) to make Qt invoke operator< and operator== on your custom type. Just add to your main:


And voilà, you'll hit the assert in your equality operator. QVariant::cmp now is:

QVariant v1 = *this;
QVariant v2 = v;
if (d.type != v2.d.type) 
    // handle conversions, like before

if (v1.d.type >= QMetaType::User) {
    // non-builtin types (MyClass, MyEnum...)
    int result;
    // will invoke the comparator for v1's type, if ever registered
    if (QMetaType::compare(QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(v1.d)), QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(constData(v2.d)), v1.d.type, &result))
        return result == 0;
// as before
return handlerManager[v1.d.type]->compare(&v1.d, &v2.d);


10-16 04:16