I have a custom application which uses Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application to open and save excel file. I have a batch which fires the app with all the required parameters. That batch completes the task successfully when run manually but when I tried to schedule the same in task scheduler I got the following error msg logged from ma app:
文件名或路径不存在.该文件正在被使用 另一个程序.您要保存的工作簿具有相同的 名称为当前打开的工作簿.
The file name or path does not exist. The file is being used by another program. The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
I know the error is thrown from the following code section:
excelfile = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
excelfile.DisplayAlerts = false;
var wb = excelfile.Workbooks.Open(dirpath + "\\" + csvname);
wb.SaveAs(dirpath + "\\" + csvname.Substring(0, csvname.LastIndexOf('.')), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook);
csvname = csvname.Substring(0, csvname.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".xlsx";
csvext = ".xlsx";
该任务是使用与我使用的相同帐户创建的(本地管理员).它设置为以最高特权运行,并从批处理文件目录开始.操作系统是Windows Server 2008.
The task is created with the same account I am using (local admin).It is set to run with highest privileges and to start in the batch file directory.The OS is Windows Server 2008.
I do not know why this is failing but suspect this has something to do with the context in which the scheduler launches my application which then subsequently launches Excel. Can anybody suggest a solution?
我在这里找到了解决方法 http://justgeeks.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/troubleshooting-microsoft-excel-cannot.html
I have found a solution here http://justgeeks.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/troubleshooting-microsoft-excel-cannot.html
the trick is you have to craete this folder:
I must admit I do not quite understand why this folder is required for excel to open files when launched by task scheduler but it works.