使用Crystal Reports 2008,我需要从文本字段中提取日期。此日期通常格式为dd / mm / yy,但也可以输入为d / m / yy,dd / m / yyyy等。
Using Crystal Reports 2008, I need to extract a date from a text field. This date is usually in the format dd/mm/yy, but could also be entered as d/m/yy, dd/m/yyyy, etc.
This date could appear anywhere within the string.
目前我依赖的事实是,日期放在字符串的结尾,没有后面的fullstop,并使用LEFT / RIGHT提取每个日期部分。然后将这些部分传递给另一个公式以创建完整日期:
At the moment I am relying on the fact that the date is placed at the end of the string, without a following fullstop, and using LEFT/RIGHT to extract each date part. These parts are then passed to another formula to create a full date:
Dim AllocationDate()as Date
如果不是(IsNull({Command.Notes}) )then
Formula = DateValue((ToNumber({@Year})),(ToNumber({@Month})),(ToNumber({@Day})))
Dim AllocationDate() as DateIf Not(IsNull({Command.Notes})) then Formula = DateValue ((ToNumber ({@Year})), (ToNumber ({@Month})), (ToNumber ({@Day})))
However, if anyone uses a variation of format, adds a fullstop or more notes after the date the whole report keels over.
Is there any way I could extract this date by looking for a pattern? I'm guessing I could the use TRIM to get around the inconsistencies in format.
And, as a last resort, you can try converting the multi-line string into a long string by replacing the special characters that represent CR, LF, etc. Replacing them with spaces or another innocuous character, and then treat the resultant string as if it were just a regular string (with the date in the middle).
您仍然必须做出一些假设:使每个字符串有一个日期,所有特殊字符都是已知的(或者您必须测试所有可能的特殊字符) ,日期有一致符合格式等。
You would still have to make some assumptions to make this possible: ONE date per string, all special characters are known (or you have to test for all possible special characters), the date has SOME conformity to the format, etc.
这篇关于水晶报表 - 如何从字符串中提取日期的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!