本文介绍了SUMPRODUCT( SUMIF() ) - 这是如何工作的?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我能够构建一个完全符合我要求的公式(从一些示例中),但是,我无法弄清楚它究竟是如何工作的.我有,从单元格 A1 开始:

I was able to construct a formula that does exactly what I want (from some examples), but yet, I'm unable to figure out how exactly it works. I have, starting with cell A1:

Price   $
table   20
chair   10

Invoice Quantity
table   17
chair   1
chair   2
table   3

我想要的是发票的最终总数 (430),计算方式为每件商品的数量 * 价格 (17*20 + 1*10 + 2*10 + 3*20).以下公式正确执行此操作:

What I want is the final total (430) for the invoice which is computed as Quantity*Price for each item (17*20 + 1*10 + 2*10 + 3*20). the following formula correctly does this:


我了解 SUMPRODUCT 和 SUMIF 的基础知识.但在这里,我对 SUMIF 范围的论证是 A2:A3,这让我认为 SUMIF 会遍历 A2 和 A3,而不是 A8:A11(这是标准).什么给?

I understand the basics of SUMPRODUCT and SUMIF. But here, my argument for SUMIF's range is A2:A3, which makes me think the SUMIF would iterate through A2 and A3, and not through A8:A11 (which is the criteria). What gives?

不清楚的部分是,当前两个参数的维度不同(这里,范围是 2 个单元格,而标准是 4 个单元格)时,SUMIF 究竟做了什么(它的迭代模式是什么).另外,SUMIF 的输出"是什么?数组?什么尺寸?

此外,如果我忽略数量,只想在看到桌子时加 20,看到椅子时加 10,我想我会这样做:

In addition, if I ignored the quantity and simply wanted to add 20 whenever I saw a table and 10 whenever I saw a chair, I figured I would do:


但这不起作用,我必须用 SUMPRODUCT() 将它括起来才能工作并正确计算为 60.将它括在 SUM 中也不起作用(可能是因为 SUMIF 不返回一个数组?)为什么?

But that doesn't work, and I have to enclose it with a SUMPRODUCT() for it to work and correctly evaluate to 60. Enclosing it within a SUM doesn't work either (probably because the SUMIF doesn't return an array?) Why?


I've read a bunch of tutorials and still can't understand this, and would be most grateful for a clear, intuitive explanation for both these cases. Thank you.


SUMIF 可以产生一个结果数组.如果你拿我的公式

SUMIF can produce an array of results. If you take my formula
it says

对于A2中的标准(即表格)- 看看 A6:A9
- 表匹配时,求和 B6:B9
中的相应值- 返回 20(即 17 +0 +0 +3)
- 这是存储在数组的第一个位置

For the criteria in A2 (ie table) - look at A6:A9
- where table is matched, sum the corresponding value in B6:B9
- returns 20 (ie 17 +0 +0 +3)
- this is stored in the first position of the array

然后是 A3 中的标准(即椅子)
- 看看 A6:A9
- 表匹配时,求和 B6:B9
中的相应值- 返回 3(即 0 +1 +2 +0)
- 这存储在数组的第二个位置

Then for the criteria in A3 (ie chair)
- look at A6:A9
- where table is matched, sum the corresponding value in B6:B9
- returns 3 (ie 0 +1 +2 +0)
- this is stored in the second position of the array

所以 SUMIF 的末尾数组是 {20:3}

So the end array from the SUMIF is {20:3}

您可以通过突出显示 Excel 公式栏中的 SUMIF 公式,然后按 F9 来查看数组结果

然后使用 SUMPRODUCTSUMIF 中的计数乘以 B2:B3 中的 $ 值以获得总美元

Then use SUMPRODUCT to multiple the count in the SUMIF by the $ values in B2:B3 to get total dollars

=20*20 + 3*10
= 430

=20*20 + 3*10
= 430

第 1 部分

它将 B6:B9 中的值与 A2:A3 中的两个条件相加,给出所需的结果

然后使用 SUMPRODUCT 对数组进行加权,即=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(A6:A9,A2:A3,B6:B9),B2:B3)={20;3}*{20:10}

and then use SUMPRODUCT to weight your array, ie=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(A6:A9,A2:A3,B6:B9),B2:B3)={20;3}*{20:10}

第 2 部分
使用 COUNTIF 返回椅子和桌子数量的数组,然后使用 SUMPRODUCT
={20;10} * {2;2}

Part 2
Use COUNTIF to return an array of the number of chairs and tables and then multiply by the vales using SUMPRODUCT
={20;10} * {2;2}

这篇关于SUMPRODUCT( SUMIF() ) - 这是如何工作的?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 23:06