


Using winforms, C# FW4.5 to open an excel sheet with late bound, like this:

objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


Now I want to use the InvokeMember method, but I don't know all the members of excel I can invoke.For example, I know I can call it like this: InvokeMember("Close",... in order to close excel, but where can I find list of all the members I can invoke and what each one of them does?




If you must use late-binding, using c# 4.0's dynamic keyword is a whole lot easier than InvokeMember, though it won't show you what methods you can invoke ahead of time.

查看以下通过dynamic关键字使用后期绑定的代码.请注意,Visual Studio如何允许我键入任何旧内容.尽管无法提供最终成员的自动完成功能,但它确实显示了我已经使用过的商品的成员.我要等到运行时才知道它是否正确(这是后期绑定这种方式的局限性).

Check out the following code that uses late-binding via the dynamic keyword. Notice how Visual Studio allows me to type in any old thing. Though auto-complete for the final members aren't available, it does show members for items I've used already. I won't know until runtime whether I got it right (such is the limitation of late-binding this way).




尽管后期绑定很好,即使使用dynamic,我也喜欢早期绑定.要获取方法列表,可以通过向您的项目中添加 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel 来使用早期绑定更加容易且类型安全.

Though late binding is fine, even with dynamic, I like early binding. To get a list of methods, it's much easier and type-safe to use early binding via adding Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel to your project.


var application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
application.Visible = true;
application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = true;



c# 4 brings with it some stuff you'll only see when dealing with COM, like indexed properties - something not possible in c# types.

仅当针对COM interop API编写代码时,才支持C#4.0中的某些较小的语言功能

Some smaller language features in C# 4.0 are supported only when writing code against a COM interop API


ws.Range["A1", "B3"].Value = 123;


...is a whole lot easier than pre-c# 4:

ws.get_Range("A1", "B3").Value2 = 123;


  • C#4.0-.NET Framework 4中的新C#功能 ,MSDN Mag,2010年7月

    Tell me more

    • C# 4.0 - New C# Features in the .NET Framework 4, MSDN Mag July 2010

      动态.NET-了解动态关键字C#4 ,MSDN Mag,2011年2月

      Dynamic .NET - Understanding the Dynamic Keyword in C# 4, MSDN Mag Feb 2011


05-28 23:35