


I changed the values of the txtbox and submitbtns with a (0) (and also tried (1) as well), no changes.


And I also need to note that the Button has a different name and I updated accordingly here as well.

Dim TBox As String          'Name of object textbox to have value changed in
Dim TBtn As String          'Name of object button to be pressed
    TBox = "masked1"
    TBtn = "button"

If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    Set txtBox = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBox)(0)
    Set submitBtn = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBtn)(0)

    txtBox.Value = tVal
End If


因此,@cyboashu提供的建议看起来很有希望。但是,我仍然无法让我的txtbox更新为 value = tVal (String)。


So, things look promising with the suggestion provided by @cyboashu. However, I still cannot get my txtbox to update to the value = tVal (String).

Dim oShell      As Object
Dim oWin        As Object
Dim IE          As Object
Dim lTotlWin    As Long
Dim lCtr

Debug.Print Time & " --- IE Objects & Values ---"       ' Debugger Section
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] oShell..: " & oShell    ' Debug oShell
Set oWin = oShell.Windows()
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] oWin....: " & oWin      ' Debug oWin

lTotlWin = oWin.Count - 1   '/ Starts with zero
Debug.Print Time & " [long] lTotlWin: " & lTotlWin      ' Debug lTotlWin

For lCtr = 0 To lTotlWin
    If UCase(oWin.Item(lCtr).FullName) Like "*IEXPLORE.EXE" Then
        Set IE = oWin.Item(lCtr)
    End If
Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] IE......: " & IE
If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Found and hooked!!"
End If

Dim TBox As String          'In the event the textbox's name changes for some reason
    TBox = "masked1"

If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    Set txtBox = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBox)
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] txtbox..: " & txtbox
    Set submitBtn = IE.Document.getElementsByClassName(TBox)
    Debug.Print Time & " [obj ] submitBtn:" & submitBtn

    txtBox.Value = tVal
End If

Set shellwins = Nothing

Debug.Print Time & "- - - END SUB - - -" & E

End Sub


(Debugger values if anyone cares)..

2:44:11 PM --- IE Objects & Values ---
2:44:11 PM [long] lTotlWin: 5
2:44:11 PM [obj ] IE......: Internet Explorer
2:44:11 PM - - - END SUB - - -



Get object won't work here.



Sub testIELateBinding()

    Dim oShell              As Object
    Dim oWin                As Object
    Dim IE                  As Object
    Dim lTotlWin            As Long
    Dim lCtr

    Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set oWin = oShell.Windows()

    lTotlWin = oWin.Count - 1 '/ Starts with zero

    For lCtr = 0 To lTotlWin
        If UCase(oWin.Item(lCtr).FullName) Like "*IEXPLORE.EXE" Then
            Set IE = oWin.Item(lCtr)
        End If

    If Not IE Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Found and hooked!!"
    End If

End Sub


09-21 15:20