i want to intigrate excelsheet on to the webpage ..i dont want to open an excel file and use it...i just want to integrate an excelsheet application on the webpage..
<script language=vbscript>
Dim objExcel
Sub chartsheet_onclick()
call OpenWorkbook("c:\test\testfile.xls")
End Sub
Sub OpenWorkbook(strLocation)
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = true
objExcel.Workbooks.Open strLocation
objExcel.UserControl = true
objExcel.Sheets("chart").Visible = True
objExcel.Sheets("sheet1").Visible = False
objExcel.Sheets("sheet2").Visible = False
objExcel.Sheets("sheet3").Visible = False
End Sub
this is a test page for displaying an excel chart...
<input type=button name=chartsheet value="display excel chart">
或者您可以利用Excel Web App的优势,Microsoft完全免费提供存储.
嵌入Excel工作簿在网页上 [ ^ ]
or you can take advantage of Excel Web App and storage is all free from Microsoft.
Embed an Excel workbook on a web page[^]