promotion_id customer_name cust_level_id customer_key
40286143 0000010966 - SPAR SOUTH RAND 53 5536
40287023 0000120004 - Pick'n Pay超市54 1719
40290119 0000120052 - 选择大型超市55 1699
40287672 0000140011 - Spar Lowveld DC 56 3958
hrycy_customer table
customer_key customer_parent_key
5536 1710
1719 1745
1699 3941
3958 4090
7 3656
然后我们必须在54 l中找到customer_parent_key avelfrom然后找到53级别的customer_paren_key。
customer table
promotion_id customer_name cust_level_id customer_key
402861430000010966 - SPAR SOUTH RAND 53 5536
402870230000120004 - Pick 'n Pay Supermarkets54 1719
402901190000120052 - Pick 'n Pay Hypermarkets55 1699
402876720000140011 - Spar Lowveld DC 56 3958
hrycy_customer table
customer_key customer_parent_key
5536 1710
1719 1745
1699 3941
3958 4090
7 3656
if cust_level_id is 54 then it will have to get the customer_parent_key of customer_key
if cust_level_id is 55 then we he have to find customer_parent_key in 54 lavelfrom then for that find customer_paren_key in 53 level.
if cust_level_id is 55 then traverse through 55 and 54 level then get corresponding Customer_parent_key from 53 level.