

我使用 @Configuration 注释来配置spring而不是xml文件。我正在配置具有不同会话工厂和不同事务管理器的2个数据源。我在这里遇到了一个问题 @EnableTransactionManagement 注释。我在其文档中读到,

I am using @Configuration annotation for configuration of spring instead of xml file. I am configuring 2 datasources with different session factory and different transaction managers. I am stuck with a problem here for @EnableTransactionManagement annotation. I read in its documentation that,

这意味着我给方法的任何名称,它总是会搜索返回 PlatformTransactionManager 对象的方法,而我有2个transactionmanagers。现在的问题是,当我测试这个类时,它给了我错误:

This means whatever name I give to method, it will always search for the method which returns PlatformTransactionManager object while I have 2 transactionmanagers. Now the problem is, when I test this class, it gives me error:

我甚至试图拥有2个不同的配置类但是徒劳无功。在xml配置中,情况并非如此。我在两个交易管理器上注册了两个< tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager =/> 标签,它运行正常。但是这里不能用注释做同样的事情。

I even tried to have 2 different Configuration classes but in vain. In xml configuration, this was not the case. I registered my both transaction managers with two <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="" /> tag and it worked fine. But not able to do same here with annotations.


What should I do if I want to configure 2 datasources with 2 different transaction managers in Spring annotated configuration class?


在配置类中,使用 @EnableTransactionManagement 注释。

In your configuration class, use @EnableTransactionManagement annotation.


Define a transaction manager in this class as:

    public HibernateTransactionManager txName() throws IOException{
        HibernateTransactionManager txName= new HibernateTransactionManager();
        return txName;


There on, in your class/method that executes transactional job(s), annotate as follows:


@Transactional(value = "txName")


This is how you would tie a name qualified transaction manager to wherever you need it. You can now have as many transaction managers as you want and use it accordingly wherever you need.


09-16 23:38