本文介绍了如何使用Ajax使用jQuery在Laravel 4?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是全新的,以Laravel 4,看我是否可以将我的网站上,它(previously没有写一个框架)。我不能让AJAX(通过jQuery)与我的控制器正常互动。

I am brand new to Laravel 4 and seeing if I can convert my website over to it (previously written without a framework). I can't get AJAX (via jQuery) to interact properly with my controller.

所以,首先,我的工作在控制器中被称为 IndexController.php 键,有一个名为类型的函数这如下所示:

So firstly, the controller I am working in is called IndexController.php and has a function called types which is shown below:

class IndexController extends BaseController {

// Other controller functions

public function types($brand) {

    $types = DB::select('select * from aircraft_types where brand_id = ?', array($brand));

    echo json_encode($types);




The function returns the data from the database (in JSON format). I have then created a route to this controller and function as follows:

Route::get('types/{id}', array('uses'=>'IndexController@types'));

我已经翻倍检查了线路和功能正在努力通过将// locahost / lavarel /公/类型/ 1,事实上它返回正确的JSON数据。

I have doubled checked that the route and function are working by going to //locahost/lavarel/public/types/1 and indeed it returns the correct JSON data.


The jquery function in question is below:

function updateTypes($brand) {

$("#type").append('<option value="test">Test...</option>'); // This executes correctly

$.getJSON('/types/'+$brand, function(data) {
    $("#type").append('<option value="test 2">Test 2...</option>'); // This does not
// Some other JSON related code


To test where the function works, I have inserted two lines which edit the item I am using. The function is being called correctly as the first 'Test' option is being appended. However, it never seems to activate the callback function as the second line of test code is not executed.

我怀疑的问题是我提供给JavaScript /类型/+ $品牌的URL。我已经看到了一些教程基地变种我提供的URL,然后使用,但我不明白为什么我的code以上是行不通的。任何指针?

I suspect the issue is the URL I am providing to JavaScript '/types/'+$brand. I have seen in some tutorials a BASE var used before the URL I provide, but I don't see why my code above wouldn't work. Any pointers?


Can anyone explain to me where I am going wrong?


您的基本路径,以你的laravel项目 locahost / laravel /公/ 但你的AJAX请求去刚本地主机。这里是一些方法来解决这个。

Your base path to your laravel project is locahost/laravel/public/ but your AJAX-request goes to just localhost. There're some methods for fixing this.


这是最preffered方法。 (在我看来)

This is the most preffered method. (in my opinion)


Instead of using nginx, apache for starting a web server, you can use PHP's built in web server.

打开一个终端窗口(或cmd,在Windows中),cd到你的项目(一个与供应商,应用程序和公共目录)的主目录,键入命令 PHP工匠服务。这将创建一个本地主机PHP服务器:8000,你的基本路径将是 /

Open a terminal window (or cmd in Windows), cd into the main directory for your project (the one with vendor, app and public directories) and type the command php artisan serve. This will create a PHP-server on localhost:8000 and your base path will be /.

有很多的选项,例如 PHP工匠的帮助服务,如果你想看到他们所有。

There's a lot of options, for example php artisan help serve" if you want to see them all.


After you've done so your code should work.



If you want to use nginx or apache you should add a virtualhost for your project.


That can be done though the configs.

阿帕奇: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/虚拟主机/ examples.html

Nginx的: http://wiki.nginx.org/ServerBlockExample


After that you should add a new entry to the hosts file.


正如你说的,你可以在/类型/+ $品牌

As you said you could add a BASE variable before the '/types/'+$brand.

您请求转到本地主机/类型/ $品牌

它应该去本地主机/ laravel /公/类型/ $品牌

只需更换/类型/'$品牌/ laravel /公/类型'+ $品牌

这篇关于如何使用Ajax使用jQuery在Laravel 4?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 08:08