

我有与此处讨论的基本相同的问题:使用空格的Solr通配符查询 ,但这个问题没有得到回答.

I have basically the same problem as discussed here: Solr wildcard query with whitespace, but this question was not answered.


I'm using a wildcard in a filter query on a field called "brand."

当品牌名称中包含空格时,我遇到了麻烦.例如,当我说fq = {!tag = brand} brand:Lexing * n时,过滤品牌"Lexington"的效果很好.但是,像"Athentic Models"这样的多词品牌会引起问题.似乎必须在名称两边加上双引号.

I'm having trouble when the brand name has whitespace in it. For instance, filtering the brand "Lexington" works fine when I say fq={!tag=brand}brand:Lexing*n. A multi-word brand like "Athentic Models" causes problems, however. It seems double quotes must be included around the name.

当有"s"时,* s不执行任何操作,即品牌:"Athentic Mode *"或品牌:"Lexingt *",不匹配任何内容.没有双引号,则可以说出品牌: Authen *,没有引号,没有空格,可以匹配Authentic型号,但是品牌名称中一旦包含空格,匹配时似乎只考虑字符串到第一个空格为止.

When there are "s, *s don't do anything, ie brand:"Athentic Mode*" or brand:"Lexingt*", won't match anything. Without double quotes, it does work to say brand:Authen*, with no quotes and no space, and that will match Authentic Models. But once whitespace is included in the brand name, it seems to only consider the string up to the first space when matching.


<fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true"/>



which is not whitespace tokenized, to my understanding. It is populated with a copyField from a whitespace tokenized field, though.


Is there something I can do to stop Solr from tokenizing the filter query without using double quotes?



Just like Rob said in his answer, I've posted an answer on my own on the question he linked to.

您需要做的就是在查询中转义空格(如customer_name:Pop *Tart-> customer_name:Pop\ *Tart).根据我的经验,无论您将通配符放在何处,此方法都有效,这由Solr如何声明类似以下内容来支持:

All you need to do is escape the space in your query (as in, customer_name:Pop *Tart --> customer_name:Pop\ *Tart).From my experience, this method works no matter where you place the wildcard, which is backed up by how Solr claims that something like:

customer_name:Pop\ *Tart


customer_name:Pop *Tart


05-28 20:02