


I've got a question on interpolating values in one column when I have complete TS column column ('b' here):

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import Row

spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName('DataFrame') \
    .master('local[*]') \

df = spark.createDataFrame([Row(a=1, b='2019-09-26 09:53:10', c='7793740'),
                            Row(a=2, b='2019-09-26 09:54:12', c=''),
                            Row(a=3, b='2019-09-26 09:55:11', c='7793742'),
                            Row(a=4, b='2019-09-26 09:56:10', c=''),
                            Row(a=5, b='2019-09-26 09:57:11', c=''),
                            Row(a=6, b='2019-09-26 09:58:10', c='7793745'),
                            Row(a=7, b='2019-09-26 09:59:11', c=''),
                            Row(a=8, b='2019-09-26 10:00:10', c='7793747')])

df = df.withColumn('c', df['c'].cast('int'))
df = df.withColumn('b', df['b'].cast('timestamp'))

|  a|                  b|      c|
|  1|2019-09-26 09:53:10|7793740|
|  2|2019-09-26 09:54:12|   null|
|  3|2019-09-26 09:55:11|7793742|
|  4|2019-09-26 09:56:10|   null|
|  5|2019-09-26 09:57:11|   null|
|  6|2019-09-26 09:58:10|7793745|
|  7|2019-09-26 09:59:11|   null|
|  8|2019-09-26 10:00:10|7793747|


In pandas it would be simple, like:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

pdf = df.toPandas()

pdf = pdf.set_index('b')
pdf = pdf.interpolate(method='index', axis=0, limit_direction='forward')

                    b  a             c
0 2019-09-26 09:53:10  1  7.793740e+06
1 2019-09-26 09:54:12  2  7.793741e+06
2 2019-09-26 09:55:11  3  7.793742e+06
3 2019-09-26 09:56:10  4  7.793743e+06
4 2019-09-26 09:57:11  5  7.793744e+06
5 2019-09-26 09:58:10  6  7.793745e+06
6 2019-09-26 09:59:11  7  7.793746e+06
7 2019-09-26 10:00:10  8  7.793747e+06


Can we avoid udfs in my case? If not, how to use them (I'm thinking on case where I would have millions of rows).


Can we also use interpolation in both directions in cases when first value is null? Thank you!


似乎没有直接函数可以在spark DataFrame列之间进行插值,这是我的想法.我们可以将插值放入UDF中.

Seems there's no direct function to interpolate between spark DataFrame columns, Here's my thought how to do this. We can put the interpolate into a UDF.

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('test').getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([Row(a=1, b='2019-09-26 09:53:10', c='7793740'),
                            Row(a=2, b='2019-09-26 09:54:12', c=''),
                            Row(a=3, b='2019-09-26 09:55:11', c='7793742'),
                            Row(a=4, b='2019-09-26 09:56:10', c=''),
                            Row(a=5, b='2019-09-26 09:57:11', c=''),
                            Row(a=6, b='2019-09-26 09:58:10', c='7793745'),
                            Row(a=7, b='2019-09-26 09:59:11', c=''),
                            Row(a=8, b='2019-09-26 10:00:10', c='7793747')])

df = df.withColumn('c', df['c'].cast('int'))
df = df.withColumn('b', df['b'].cast('timestamp'))

df = df.withColumn('flag', F.lit(1))
@pandas_udf(df.schema, PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def interpolate(pdf):
    pdf = pdf.set_index('b')
    pdf.sort_values(by=['a'], inplace=True)
    pdf = pdf.interpolate(method='index', axis=0, limit_direction='forward')
    return pdf

df = df.groupby(['flag']).apply(interpolate)



|  a|                  b|      c|flag|
|  1|2019-09-26 09:53:10|7793740|   1|
|  2|2019-09-26 09:54:12|7793741|   1|
|  3|2019-09-26 09:55:11|7793742|   1|
|  4|2019-09-26 09:56:10|7793742|   1|
|  5|2019-09-26 09:57:11|7793744|   1|
|  6|2019-09-26 09:58:10|7793745|   1|
|  7|2019-09-26 09:59:11|7793746|   1|
|  8|2019-09-26 10:00:10|7793747|   1|

如果有数百万行,则可以使用两个或三个标志值,即[1,2],将数据分为几组,然后对每个子范围应用插值.但是请使用 limit_area 仅限制 interpolate .每个标志值最多有两个Null.然后重新分配标志,以使有效数据包围空值,然后重新进行插值.

If there are millions of rows, you can use two or three flag values, i.e. [1,2], splitting the data into several groups, and apply interpolation on each sub-range. But do use limit_area to restrain on interpolate only. There'll be at most two Nulls for each flag value. Then you re-assign the flags such that the nulls are enclosed by valid data, re-do the interpolation.


maybe other people can think about a better method.


10-23 10:15