我试图做一个VHDL代码,目的是制作一个8位LFSR并显示所有随机状态,并且在一个周期(最后一个状态为相同的种子值)之后停止.但是我有一个问题,一直说:循环必须在10,000次迭代中终止".我正在使用Quartus II-Altera.
I'm trying to do a VHDL code with the objective to make a 8 bit LFSR and show all the random states, and after one cycle (when the last state be the same seed value) it stop. But I'm have a problems, keep saying: "loop must terminate within 10,000 iterations". I'm using Quartus II-Altera.
entity lfsr_8bit is
--generic ( n : integer := 2**8 );
port (
clk : in bit;
rst : in bit;
lfsr : out bit_vector(7 downto 0)
end lfsr_8bit;
architecture behaviour of lfsr_8bit is
--signal i : integer := 0;
--signal seed : bit_vector(7 downto 0) := "10000000";
signal rand : bit_vector(7 downto 0);
ciclo : process (clk,rst)
if (rst='0') then
rand <= "10000000";
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
rand(0) <= rand(6) xor rand(7);
rand(7 downto 1) <= rand(6 downto 0);
end if;
-- wait until rand = "10000000" for 100 ns;
exit when rand = "10000000";
-- case rand is
-- when "10000000" => EXIT;
-- when others => NULL;
-- end case;
-- i <= i +1;
end loop;
lfsr <= rand(7 downto 0);
end process ciclo;
end behaviour;
Get rid of that loop, that loop does not work the way you think it does! Stop thinking like a software designer and think like a hardware designer. Loops in hardware are used to replicate logic. So that loop of yours is literally trying to generate 10,000 LFSRs!
I don't believe that you need to be using that loop there at all. If you remove it your LFSR should work as intended. You may need to add a control signal to enable/disable the LFSR, but definitely do not use a loop.
Here's some example code demonstrating this. Change the default value of rand to something else or the LFSR will never run! It will immediately set the lfsr_done signal.
ciclo : process (clk,rst)
if (rst='0') then
rand <= "10000000"; -- SET THIS TO SOMETHING DIFFERENT
lfsr_done <= '0';
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
if rand = "10000000" then
lfsr_done <= '1';
end if;
if lfsr_done = '0' then
rand(0) <= rand(6) xor rand(7);
rand(7 downto 1) <= rand(6 downto 0);
end if;
end if;