


I know that in Java an int can get a value of 2,147,483,647. But I want more value than that. I have a formula for example:

double x = a/(b*c);

因此分母(b * c)可以达到10 ^ 10甚至更​​高.但是无论何时执行公式,该值始终限制为2,147,483,647.我知道,因为x必须始终小于1.0.P/S:如果满足某些条件,即使变量"a"也可以达到10 ^ 10.a,b,c都是整数.

So the denominator (b*c) can reach to 10^10 or maybe even higher than that. But whenever I execute the formula, the value is always limited to 2,147,483,647. I know because x must always be smaller than 1.0.P/S: Even variable "a" can also reach 10^10 if some conditions are satisfied.a,b,c are all integer numbers.



Since you asked for it, here's a BigInteger example:

BigInteger a = new BigInteger("yourNumberInStringFormA");
BigInteger b = new BigInteger("yourNumberInStringFormB");
BigInteger c = new BigInteger("yourNumberInStringFormC");

BigInteger x = a.divide(b.multiply(c));

其中"yourNumberInStringForm"是可选的负号和仅数字(没有空格或逗号).例如,BigInteger z = new BigIntger("-3463634");注意:如果您的电话号码在其范围内,BigInteger实际上将为您返回一个long. longsL结尾,如下所示:

Where "yourNumberInStringForm" is an optional minus sign and numbers only (no whitespace or commas). For example BigInteger z = new BigIntger("-3463634"); NB: BigInteger will actually return a long for you if your number is in its range. longs end in L, as in:

long num = 372036854775807L;


The max length for a long is: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. If your numbers are going to be less than that, it'll make your life a ton easier to use long or Long, its wrapper, over BigInteger. Since with long, you don't have to use methods for dividing/multiplying, etc.


08-20 09:18