

如果这是重复的,我很抱歉,但我已经搜索了 3 个小时,但找不到任何不只处理单一模式的内容.

I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I've searched for 3 hours already and couldn't find anything that doesn't deal with only a single pattern.

我在 URL 中使用尺寸参数(即 ...media.php?sid=200x100&mid=... 其中 200 是宽度,100 是高度).还有其他参数可能/可能不包括其他数字(即 UUID),但对这项任务并不重要,但不应影响模式匹配.

I use a dimensions parameter in a URL (i.e. ...media.php?sid=200x100&mid=... where 200 is width and 100 is height). There are other parameters that may/may not include other numbers (i.e. UUID's) but are not important to this task but should not affect the pattern match.

我需要做的是匹配 'sid=###x###' 部分只是为了替换它.### 应该支持范围从 1 到 99999 的可变长度数字.

What I need to do is match the 'sid=###x###' portion only in order to replace it. The ### should support variable length numbers in a range from 1 to say 99999.


I've tried a lot of patterns so far and suspect someone will probably know this off the top of their head so I'm not going to list ALL of my attempts, but here's the basic code I'm using:

var oldSid = new RegExp('sid=[0..99999]x[0..99999]');
var newSid = 'sid=500x500';
var newUrl = oldUrl.replace(oldSid, newSid);


Any help you can offer to fill in the blanks would be greatly appreciated!



var oldSid = new RegExp("sid=\\d{1,5}x\\d{1,5}");


var newUrl = oldUrl.replace(/sid=\d{1,5}x\d{1,5}/, newSid);


07-25 13:32