


Using SPARQL, I can get all related info about some resource quite easily, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to actually differentiate between things and things -- in which Thing is the super class of all classes, and things that are inanimate objects, like a cup, spoon, pencil, etc.


For example, here are a few innanimate objects in DBPedia:

  • 叉:

  • 瓶子:

  • 信封:

  • 棒球手套:

  • 螺丝刀:

  • Fork: http://dbpedia.org/page/Fork
  • Jar: http://dbpedia.org/page/Jar
  • Envelope: http://dbpedia.org/page/Envelope
  • Baseball glove: http://dbpedia.org/page/Baseball_glove
  • Screwdriver: http://dbpedia.org/page/Screwdriver


Here's the thing -- I know that a lot of ontologies don't have a specific type that would easily give you the ability to query for objects, however, perhaps theres a way to tell if something is a thing because it has no subclasses, or maybe the property path of its types can be used to differentiate in some roundabout way.


But, in general, I'd like to know if it is possible to differentiate between Things and things using a SPARQL query? and if so, how?


您可以浏览在线。在 owl:Thing 下,有许多顶级类。尽管它不是完美的匹配,但由于它包含一些集体实体,因此看起来像Agent类及其补语可能与动画对象和非动画对象相当吻合。您可能还需要考虑动物类或物种类下的其他事项。您还应该考虑一些非DBpedia类,例如foaf:Person。无论如何,这里的主要方法是选择该层次结构中您认为代表动画和无动画的类,然后使用它来确定实例。

You can browse the DBpedia ontology classes online. Under owl:Thing, there are a number of toplevel classes. While it's not a perfect match, because it includes some collective entities, it looks like the Agent class and its complement probably correspond fairly well to animate and inanimate objects. You might also need to consider the Animal class as well, or some other things under the Species class. There are also some non-DBpedia classes, e.g., foaf:Person that you should probably consider, too. At any rate, the big approach here would be to select what classes in that hierarchy you consider to represent animate and inanimate things, and then use that to decide about instances.


E.g., you could use a query like this to find animate things (if we define animate things as Agents and Animals):

select ?x where { 
  ?x a owl:Thing 
  filter exists {
    ?x a ?type .
    filter( ?type in ( dbpedia-owl:Agent, dbpedia-owl:Animal ) )
limit 100 


10-14 18:29