

我想DVD刻录功能添加到我的.net应用程序(在Windows Server 2003上运行),请问有什么好的组件可用?我用了常来使用Nero的NeroCOM SDK,但他们不再支持在Nero最新版本的SDK。我了解到,微软已经创建了一个IMAPI2升级为Windows XP / 2003并有一个例如项目在$ C $的CProject,但没有用它自己,我不能说多么容易/可靠的是使用。

I'd like to add dvd burning functionality to my .Net app (running on Windows Server 2003), are there any good components available? I've used the NeroCOM sdk that used to come with Nero but they no longer support the sdk in the latest versions of Nero. I learned that Microsoft has created an IMAPI2 upgrade for Windows XP/2003 and there is an example project at CodeProject but not having used it myself I can't say how easy/reliable it is to use.


I'm not really worried about burning audio/video to DVD as this is for file backup purposes only.


我已经使用了$ C $的CProject的,和它的作品pretty的好。这是围绕IMAPI2一个漂亮的包装,从而为多头IMAPI2支持你需要做的是,.NET包装会做到这一点。

I've used the code from the codeproject article and it works pretty well. It's a nice wrapper around the IMAPI2, so as longs as IMAPI2 supports what you need to do, the .NET wrapper will do it.


08-26 06:24