


How do I change the JRE (for example, to go from a from 64bit to 32bit version) that is used to run ant from inside eclipse?


我不知道,你可以做,在一个全球性的方式。但是,它是可能的,当你运行选择你的JRE 蚂蚁在一个特定的项目:

I am not sure that you can do that in a global way. However, it is possible to choose your JRE when you run Ant on a specific project:

在项目的属性进入,然后选择建筑工地 Ant构建器。在此建设者的属性,走在 JRE 标签,然后选择一个独立JRE

Go in the Properties of your project, then select Builders and Ant Builder. In the properties for this builder, go in the JRE tab, and choose an Separate JRE.

另一种解决方案是指定JRE在的build.xml 文件直接使用。

Another solution is to specify the JRE used directly in your build.xml file.


10-23 14:33