

我想在prestashop中使用 Roboto字体。我已经收到了.psd文件中的设计,图形设计师使用的字体为 Roboto Medium和 Roboto Regular。我是否正确理解,当我想使用Roboto Normal时可以申请:

I would like to use "Roboto" font in prestashop. I've received design in .psd files and graphic designer used fonts "Roboto Medium" and "Roboto Regular". Do i understand correctly, that when i want to use Roboto Normal I can apply:

font- family: "Roboto"
font-weight: 400

,当我想使用Roboto Medium时,我应该申请:

and when i want to use Roboto Medium I should apply:

font- family: "Roboto"
font-weight: 500

换句话说,权重400和500分别等于Roboto Normal和Roboto Medium?

In other words, are weights 400 and 500 respectively equal to Roboto Normal and Roboto Medium?



font-family: "Roboto";
font-weight: 400;


Yes, your weights are correct.

font-weight: 400; //normal
font-weight: 500; //medium
font-weight: 700; //bold

请阅读关于 font-weight ,根据字体的不同,它并不总是可用。但是,根据,您应该可以毫无问题地使用这些权重。

Please read this regarding font-weight, it's not always available depending on the font. But, according to Google, you should be able to use those weights without a problem.


05-28 13:58