


I am writing a memory manager for microcontrollers that uses a uint8_t array for the pool. From this pool, it allocates memory of the requested size to the user.

我正在寻找其他的内存实现. Contiki 有一个名为 mmem .他们在文档中指出:

I am looking at other memory implementations. Contiki has one named mmem. In their documentation they state:

相反,不能指向由mmem_alloc()分配的内存的指针 安全地转换为除char *,有符号的char *或以外的任何指针类型 未签名的字符*.

Instead, the pointer to the memory allocated by mmem_alloc() cannot be safely converted to any pointer type other than char*, signed char* or unsigned char*.

这意味着如果分配的内存块用于存储 struct类型的内容,无论该struct必须声明为packed 或必须使用memcpy().使用GCC可以指定打包的结构 使用以下语法:

This means that if the allocated memory chunk is used to store the contents of a struct type, either the struct must be declared packed or memcpy() must be used. With GCC a packed struct can be specified using the following syntax:



So this is a pretty big gotcha that I was never aware of.


  • 对所有体系结构都是这样吗?我正在阅读 Wikipedia ,他们指出,大多数架构都支持未对齐的数据,这只会减慢速度.

  • Is this true for all architectures? I am reading on Wikipedia and they state that most archetectures support unaligned data, it just slows things down.

  • Contiki链接讨论打包结构作为解决对齐问题的一种方法.有没有办法打包"uint16_t"或"int32_t"值?我向用户提供了用于常见数据访问的宏,因此这可能是一种可能的解决方案

  • The Contiki link talks about packing the structs as a way to get around the alignment problem. Is there a way to "pack" a uint16_t or int32_t value? I provide macros to the user for common data access, so this could be a possible solution

    ARM处理器是否支持自动不对齐访问? x86怎么样?真的有这么多陷阱吗?

    Do ARM processors support automatic unaligned access? How about x86? Are there really this many gotchas?


    Should I just only allow aligned allocation requests, and fill in whatever other data? This would be very annoying for me.


    Thank you for the helpful answers, however I cannot write something where the user requests alignment because of how the memory manager works (it has to defragment by moving data -- I am not willing to add the complexity of worrying about what alignment some data is, as that will significantly effect the performance of the whole system)


    It seems that on both my system (Ubuntu) and the ARM core I am targeting, data alignment is not an issue.



    此外,以下代码可以在我的(x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04)系统上执行您想做的事情:

    Also, the following code does as you would want it to do on my (x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04) system:

    #include "stdio.h"
    int main(){
        char data[100];
        unsigned int *value;
        // Some random data
        unsigned int check = (unsigned int)0x324FE23A;
        // make the pointer unaligned
        value = (unsigned int *)(data + 1);
        *value = check;
        printf("bool=%u, value=%x, check=%x\n", *value==check, *value, check);
        return 0;


    $ cc  playground  cc align.c && ./a.out
    bool=1, value=324fe23a, check=324fe23a



    I will add a precompiler flag to request that requests are fulfilled in words so that all data is automatically aligned. However, for the systems I am currently targeting this should not be necessary.



    If anybody knows a way to do:

    #define tm_uint16_p(index)   ((uint16_t *)tm_void_p(index))


    In a way that it will never matter if tm_void_p(index) is aligned then that would be great.


    Note: the above just converts an index into a void pointer, then casts it as a uint16_t pointer. Obviously on some systems this will fail due to alignment issues -- is their a way to specify to the compiler to just deal with it?



    It's not true for all processors.

    如果我正在设计低级API,那么在需要处理的处理器上,我会做类似的事情void *my_alloc(size_t size, size_t align)

    If I were designing the low level API, on a processor where this mattered, I'd do something likevoid *my_alloc(size_t size, size_t align)


    If callers are manipulating character arrays, they pass an align of 1. For various small types they pass sizeof(short), sizeof(int) etc.

    然后给他们分配一个笨拙的分配器,其中align是MIN(roundup_to_power_of_2(size), SIZE_ON_THIS_ARCH_THATS_ALWAYS_GOOD_ENOUGH)

    Then give them an allocator for the clueless, where align is MIN(roundup_to_power_of_2(size), SIZE_ON_THIS_ARCH_THATS_ALWAYS_GOOD_ENOUGH)


    And no, round_up_to_power_of_2 isn't a standard function (or macro) ;-)


  • 08-29 03:34