我使用的是 Varnish 4.0.
I am using Varnish 4.0.
我的后端正在向一些响应添加一个 http 标头x-count"
My backend is adding to some responses an http header "x-count"
I would like to log the value of "x-count" into a file with a line break.
我认为我应该使用 VCL 交付.
I assumed i should do it in VCL deliver.
sub vcl_deliver {
if (resp.http.x-count-this:) {
set resp.http.X-infodbg = "xx";
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("/tmp/test.txt", "w+");
fputs(VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_OBJ, "\013x-count-this:"), fp);
fputs("\n", fp);
Of course it doesnt work and there is a couple of errors ..
./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:在函数‘VGC_function_vcl_deliver’中:./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:1049:22: error: ‘sp’ undeclared (第一次使用在这个函数)./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:1049:22:注意:每个未声明的标识符对于它出现的每个函数只报告一次./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:1049:5: 错误:传递‘VRT_GetHdr’的参数 2从整数创建指针而不进行强制转换 [-Werror]./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:330:7:注意:预期的‘const struct gethdr_s *’但是参数的类型为‘int’ ./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:1049:5: 错误:太多函数‘VRT_GetHdr’的参数./vcl.gK2lu7uM.c:330:7:注意:在这里声明
我不得不说,我只是从一些例子中复制/粘贴了sp",但我不知道它来自哪里(我想内联 C 在不同的上下文中,因此它在那里声明,但不在 vcl_deliver 中声明)
I have to say that i simply copy/pasted "sp" from some examples, but i have no idea where it comes from (i suppose the inline C was in a different context and therefore it was declared there but not in vcl_deliver)
因此,上述示例中 Varnish 4 和 3 之间可能未记录的差异是:
So the probably undocumented differences between Varnish 4 and 3 in the above examples are :
- VRT_GetHdr 现在是 VRT_GetHdr(context, struct gethdr_s)
- sp 不存在,但有一个ctx"变量
char *stuffid;
const struct gethdr_s hdr = { HDR_BERESP, "\015x-count-this:" };
stuffid = VRT_GetHdr(ctx, &hdr);
现在是一个不同的故事:一旦后端发回count-this",Varnish 就会崩溃,但这是一个不同的问题:p(可能是我蹩脚的 C 代码)
And now a different story: Varnish is crashing as soon as the backend sends back "count-this", but that is a different problem :p (my crappy C code probably)
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