

如何在.net 2.0中的Windows窗体应用程序上提供Vista或Mac OS X风格的玻璃效果?

How can I give a Vista or Mac OS X style glass effects on windows forms applications in .net 2.0?


这是通过与Vista DWM(桌面窗口管理器)API互操作完成的。

This is done using interop with the Vista DWM (Desktop Window Manager) API.


static extern void DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(IntPtr hWnd, ref Margins pMargins);

struct Margins
    public int cxLeftWidth;
    public int cxRightWidth;
    public int cyTopHeight;
    public int cyBottomHeight;


Then you can use this to "pull down" glass from the top of the window down into the client area:

GlassMargins.Top = 40;
GlassMargins.Left = 0;
GlassMargins.Right = 0;
GlassMargins.Bottom = 0;

DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(this.Handle, ref GlassMargins);

在这里,您可以继续执行其他操作,例如在玻璃上绘制文字或图像,或在其上放置控件,例如Office 2007风格的应用程序按钮。

From here, you can go on and do other things, like draw text or images onto the glass, or put controls on it, such as a Office 2007 style application button.


10-16 22:15