


I'm having difficulties filling in a form using pdftk with text fields with true type fonts.

  • 字体文件(.ttf)已添加到/Library/Fonts(OSX Mavericks)
  • 该表单是使用Adobe Acrobat Pro创建的
  • 该表单包括使用这些字体的普通(非表单)文本
  • 表单文本字段也使用这些字体
  • 可以使用Adobe Acrobat Pro甚至预览版成功填写和打印表格


However, pdftk throws an error when trying to fill it using the command:

pdftk ./my_form.pdf fill_form my_data.fdf output ./the_output.pdf


Unhandled Java Exception in create_output():
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
   at pdftk.com.lowagie.text.pdf.DocumentFont.fillEncoding(pdftk)
   at pdftk.com.lowagie.text.pdf.DocumentFont.doType1TT(pdftk)
   at pdftk.com.lowagie.text.pdf.DocumentFont.<init>(pdftk)
   at pdftk.com.lowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields.getAppearance(pdftk)
   at pdftk.com.lowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields.setField(pdftk)
   at pdftk.com.lowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields.setFields(pdftk)

如果我将文本输入的字体更改为Helvetica,Times Roman或Courier,则pdftk将成功创建PDF.奇怪的是,Arial和Georgia也抛出了相同的错误.

If I change the font of the text inputs to Helvetica, Times Roman or Courier, pdftk will successfully create a PDF. Oddly though, Arial and Georgia also throw the same error.

我已尝试按照此问题的建议使用Ghostscript将字体嵌入PDF中,如何修复PDF文件和嵌入缺少的字体. gs可能已经嵌入了字体,但是它删除了表单字段,因此生成的PDF无法反馈到pdftk.

I have tried to no avail to embed the fonts in the PDF using Ghostscript as suggested in this question How to repair a PDF file and embed missing fonts. gs may have embedded the fonts, but it removes the form fields so the resulting PDF can't feed back into pdftk.


A working resolution would be greatly appreciated.


我在使用pdftk填充Adobe Acrobat生成的PDF表单时遇到了相同的java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0错误.这个问题太老了,但是我在stackoverflow或其他地方找不到一致的答案,所以我想我会发布修复程序.

I was getting the same java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 error using pdftk to fill forms on an Adobe Acrobat generated PDF. This question is super old, but I couldn't find a consistent answer on stackoverflow or elsewhere so I figured I'd post my fix.


  1. 在OS X应用程序预览中打开PDF
  2. 点击进入表单字段,添加文本,然后删除该文本(因此实际上没有任何更改)
  3. 保存

  1. Opening the PDF in the OS X app Preview
  2. Clicking into a form field, adding text then deleting that text (so nothing is actually changed)
  3. Saving it



I'm not that familiar with encoding or PDFs in general, but saving the PDF with Preview seems to fix the encoding or at least get it to a place where pdftk can work with it. Good luck.


05-28 12:31