

我正在使用pdftk填写表单,但是输出表单不可编辑,当我在acrobat Reader上打开它时,我收到一条错误消息: 此文档启用了Adobe Reader中的扩展功能,自创建以来,该文档已进行了更改,并且不再使用扩展功能."

I'm using pdftk to fill a form but the output form isn't editable, when I open it on acrobat reader I'm getting an error message: "This document enabled extended features in Adobe Reader, The document has been changes since it was created and use of extended features is no longer available."


is it possible to keep the document editable?


否.要在Adobe Reader中进行编辑的PDF的AFAIK,必须由Adobe Acrobat进行数字签名.显然,用pdftk操作PDF会更改PDF,因此签名不再有效.

No. AFAIK for a PDF to be editable in Adobe Reader it has to be digitally signed by Adobe Acrobat. Obviously manipulating a PDF with pdftk changes the PDF so the signature is no longer valid.


10-10 11:26