我期待开发一个 WPF MVVC 应用程序,该应用程序可以在带有 .Net Framework 的 Windows 和带有 Mono 的 Mac/Linux 上运行.
I look forward to develop a WPF MVVC application which is to be ran both on Windows with .Net Framework and Mac/Linux with Mono.
据我了解,在 Mono 中实现的 WPF 的唯一部分是 Silverlight 作为 Moonlight.
As far as I understand the only part of of WPF implemented in Mono is Silverlight as Moonlight.
据我所知,可以使用 Silverlight 3 开发独立的应用程序,但可以使用 Moonlight 2 吗?
As far as I've read it is possible to develop a standalone application with Silverlight 3, but is it possible with Moonlight 2?
Moonlight 支持浏览器外但有限制:目前这是一个手动过程,尚未自动化,并且没有 GUI (c) Miguel de Icaza.但我认为将 Moonlight 用作独立的 GUI 应用程序并不是一个好主意.因为首先它是具有许多严格限制的网站的客户端技术.所以使用独立的 Moonlight 做一些严肃的事情(比如访问文件)是不可能的.查看 GTK#.它可能对你更有用.
Moonlight supports out-of-browser but with restrictions: this is currently a manual process, not yet automated, and without a GUI (c) Miguel de Icaza.But I think using Moonlight as standalone GUI application is not very good idea. Because first of all it's is client side technology for web sites with many strict restrictions. So it will be impossible to do something serious (like accessing files) using standalone Moonlight.Look at GTK#. It might be more useful for you.
这篇关于我可以使用 Moonlight 创建一个独立的(不在浏览器中运行,完全信任)应用程序吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!