

我想以UTF-8存储标题,但页面上出现许多不同的字符集,如GBK,ISO,unicode ......

I want to store the title in UTF—8,but the pages comes up with many different charset,such as GBK,ISO,unicode……




对于HTML(即text / html),有:

For HTML (i.e. text/html) there are three ways to specify the character encoding:

  1. Content-Type字段中的HTTPcharset参数。

  2. A META
  3. 字符集 / code>声明http-equiv设置为Content-Type code>在指定外部资源的元素上设置属性。

  1. An HTTP "charset" parameter in a "Content-Type" field.
  2. A META declaration with "http-equiv" set to "Content-Type" and a value set for "charset".
  3. The charset attribute set on an element that designates an external resource.

这些是存在的,你可以做一些内容嗅探或切换到一些默认的字符编码(例如ISO 8859-1)。

If neither of these is present, you might do some content sniffing or switch to some default character encoding (e.g. ISO 8859-1).

如果识别/检测的字符编码不是UTF -8,然后可以使用。

If the identified/detected character encoding is not UTF-8, you then can convert the data to UTF-8 with iconv or mb_convert_encoding.


10-23 15:44