


i have a mySQL table which the data in one of its columns is in a language other than English.(Persian)when i input data in the table , it is shown properly but when i want to show the data in a php file it displays like this:????well,what should i do in order to show the data in its correct form?



As I've worked a lot with "non-english" characters, several things are required for proper display and storage of those characters.


In no particular order (as I don't know what charset is best suited for Persian, I'll use UTF-8, if it's different, you just use the one you need):

通过在PHP header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');中设置适当的标头或在html中设置meta标记,来告诉浏览器您正在使用的字符集,如下所示:<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

Tell your browser what charset you are using, either by setting the proper header from PHP header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); or set the meta tag in your html like so: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


In the database avoid mixing different collations and charsets in the columns/tables. I always set the database, the tables and the columns to utf8_general_ci which for my needs work all the time (languages like English, German, Serbian, Hungarian...).

如Jan所说,请阅读 http://dev. mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-connection.html 您很可能需要在连接到数据库后立即执行类似SET NAMES utf8的查询.

As Jan said, read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-connection.html You'll most likely need to execute query something like SET NAMES utf8 right after connecting to the database.

所有这些都应确保正确显示unicode字符.但是,还有另一件事可以覆盖所有这一切-Web服务器. Apache(不了解其他服务器)具有AddDefaultCharset指令.在大多数设置中,将其保留为关闭",但是我确实遇到了将默认字符集设置为latin1的设置,因此覆盖了我的所有字符集设置.如果已设置,则在httpd.conf(或类似的配置文件)中进行设置.如果您有权访问它,我建议将其设置为关".如果不这样做,则可以在Webroot中使用.htaccess覆盖全局值,例如:AddDefaultCharset utf-8

All this should ensure the proper displaying of unicode characters. However, there is one more thing that can override all this - the web server. Apache (don't know about the other servers) has a AddDefaultCharset directive. On most setups this is left as Off, but I did came across setups where the default charset was set to latin1, thus overriding all my charset settings. If this is set, it is set in the httpd.conf (or similar configuration file). If you have access to it, I recommend setting it to Off. If you don't, then you can override the global value with .htaccess placed in your webroot, with something like: AddDefaultCharset utf-8


10-20 18:59