


I have a form on my website and my customers send message to me with this form. Sometimes they write their credit card number on the message. So this is really critical. I want to mask these credit card numbers. But of course card numbers don't come on a regular basis.

示例 1:1111222233334444

示例 2:4444 3333 2222 1111

Example 2: 4444 3333 2222 1111

示例 3:4444-3333-2222-1111

Example 3: 4444-3333-2222-1111

示例 4:4444 - 3333 - 2222 - 1111

Example 4: 4444 - 3333 - 2222 - 1111

示例 5:4444--3333--2222--1111

Example 5: 4444--3333--2222--1111

所以我可以屏蔽例如 1、2 和 3.但是如果数字之间有多个空格或破折号,我就不能.

So I can mask for example 1, 2 and 3. But if there are more than one space or dash between numbers I can't.


And this is my last regex:

preg_replace("/(?:\b| )([3456]\d{3})([ -]+){0,1}\d{4}([ -]+){0,1}\d{4}([ -]+){0,1}(\d{0})/", "$1********$2", $a1);


And results for this regex:

结果 1:4444********1111

结果 2:4444******** 1111

Result 2: 4444******** 1111

结果 3:4444********-1111

Result 3: 4444********-1111

结果 4:4444******** - 1111

Result 4: 4444******** - 1111

结果 5:4444********--1111

Result 5: 4444********--1111


So what should I do in regex? Thanks.


我可以建议您将信用卡号码的验证与信用卡号码的显示分开,以便您的用户通过用户界面?假设您只存储了有效的信用卡号码,那么假设每个号码至少有 8 位数字可能是安全的.如果是这样,那么您可以使用一揽子正则表达式仅显示前 4 位和后 8 位数字:

May I suggest that you separate validation of your credit card number from the presentation of that number to your users via the UI? Assuming you have only stored valid credit card numbers, then it is probably safe to assume that every number has at least 8 digits. If so, then you can just use a blanket regex to only display the first 4 and last 8 digits:

$cc = "4444--3333--2222--1111";
echo preg_replace("/(\d{4}).*(\d{4})/", "$1********$2", $cc);




You might point out that this puts the same number of stars in between every card number. But, then again, this is a good thing, because it makes it even harder for a snooper to fish out what the real unmasked number actually is.

这是一个更智能的正则表达式,它可以去掉任何数字的中间部分,只留下第一个和最后一个 4 个字符可见:

Here is a smarter regex which will star out the middle portion of any number, leaving only the first and last 4 characters visible:

$cc = "4444--3333--2222--1111";
echo preg_replace("/(?<=.{4}).(?=.{4})/", "*", $cc);


请注意,此解决方案不会从 11114444 中删除任何内容作为理论输入.

Note that this solution would not remove anything from 11114444 as a theoretical input.


05-28 06:47