


This issue pertains specifically to Minecraft, but it is affecting all Java programs that run on my computer.

似乎有些东西强行设置了_JAVA_OPTIONS环境变量。当我运行我的服务器时,我已指定为其分配4 GB的RAM

It would seem that something is forcibly setting a _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. When I run my server, I have specified to allocate 4 GB of RAM to it with

-Xms4G -Xmx4G

。但是,当服务器运行时,它会向控制台输出Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M,仅分配2 GB。我检查了系统设置,列表中没有_JAVA_OPTIONS环境变量。我不想添加一个,因为那也将尝试为Minecraft本身分配4 GB,这是不必要的并且使用太多RAM。

in the startup batch file. However, when the server runs, It prints "Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M" to the console, only allocating 2 GB. I have checked my system settings and there is no _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable in the list. I do not want to add one, since that will also try to allocate 4 GB to Minecraft itself, which is unnecessary and uses too much RAM.

可能导致这个要设置的变量? (Windows 8.1 64位,Java 7)

What could be causing this variable to be set? (Windows 8.1 64-bit, Java 7)



You probably have a Razer device. Their god-forsaken software secretly adds _JAVA_OPTIONS, but only when launching games, so you won't even see it from CMD. Ideally uninstall the software, and maybe splash some holy water on your PC. Failing that, you can probably get by with shutting down Synapse and restarting minecraft.exe


Found (eventually) here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/unmodified-minecraft-client/2183431-_java_options-picked-up-without-existing#reply


09-09 07:51