


try to create HotKeys for my forms


    private void FormMain_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)        
        if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Enter)

适用于一个键,但是如果我想使用CTRL + N之类的键组合,请尝试使用if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Enter && e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.N)-但它不起作用.我是对的-使用这样的代码进行按键组合吗?

works for one key, but if I whant to use combination of keys like CTRL+N, try to use if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Enter && e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.N) - but it's not working. I'm I right - using such code for keys combination?


此代码仅捕获第一个按下的键,但不捕获组合键-因此,如果我按CTRL + Enter-捕获CTRL而不是Enter键-尝试创建其他if,但-结果相同...

This code capture only first pressed key, but not combination - so if I press CTRL + Enter - code capture CTRL but not Enter Key - try to create additional if but - result the same...


Change event from KeyPress to KeyDown - now it's work


对于Control和另一个字母的其他组合,有趣的是,e.KeyChar将具有不同的代码.例如,通常e.KeyChar = 'a'的代码为97,但是在按a(或A)之前按Control时,实际代码为1.因此,我们有这段代码可以处理其他组合:

For other combinations of Control and another letter, there is an interesting thing that, the e.KeyChar will have different code. For example, normally e.KeyChar = 'a' will have code of 97, but when pressing Control before pressing a (or A), the actual code is 1. So we have this code to deal with other combinations:

private void FormMain_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)        
   //Pressing Control + N
   if(e.KeyChar == 'n'-96) MessageBox.Show("e");
   //Using this way won't help us differentiate the Enter key (10) and the J letter 

您也可以为此目的使用KeyDown事件. (实际上,KeyDown更合适).因为它支持KeyData,其中包含修饰键和另一个文字键的组合信息:

You can also use KeyDown event for this purpose. (In fact, KeyDown is more suitable). Because it supports the KeyData which contains the combination info of modifier keys and another literal key:

private void FormMain_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e){
   //Pressing Control + N
   if(e.KeyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.N)) MessageBox.Show("e");


09-21 20:56