我想使用SecureGatway从Bluemix连接到Z / OS系统,但是我没有Z / OS许可证文件(很可能是db2consv_zs.lic文件)。我收到SQLSTATE = 42968。 SG tunel看起来还可以。
I would like to connect from Bluemix to Z/OS system, using SecureGatway, but I don't have a Z/OS license file (most probably: db2consv_zs.lic file). I receive SQLSTATE=42968. The SG tunel looks okay.
如果获得了许可证,那么当我将本地项目推送到CIO Bluemix时,必须在哪里复制/安装许可证?我应该将其复制到吗?并会在云环境中注册吗?从Blue Foundry PHP应用程序连接到Blue Zone Z / OS系统还有其他方法吗?
If I get the license.. where do I have to copy/install it when I push my local project to CIO Bluemix? Shall I copy it to the php buildpack? And will it be registered in the cloud environment? Is there any other way to connect from a Blue Foundry PHP app to a blue zone Z/OS system?
1,Bluemix for zOS上的DB2驱动程序许可证
许可证文件必须放置在服务器上PHP实例的文件夹中。在Cloud Foundry应用程序部署期间安装了DB2扩展。我发现在构建或部署期间无法复制许可证文件。但是我找到了一种在部署后复制lic文件的方法:我将lic文件添加到了我的项目中,然后使用从浏览器运行的php文件将其复制了过来。这是以下行:
The license file must be placed into a folder of the PHP instance on the server. The DB2 extension is installed during deployment of the Cloud Foundry app. I found no way to copy the license file during build or deployment. But I found a way to copy the lic file after deployment: I added the lic file to my project and then I copied it over with a php file that I run from browser. This is the line:
$src = '/home/vcap/app/lib/db2consv_zs.lic';
$dst = '/home/vcap/app/ibmdb_clidriver/license/db2consv_zs.lic';
if (!copy($src, $dst)) {
echo "failed to copy $src...\n";
安全网关,才能从Bluemix连接到蓝色区域zOS DB2。 。
Secure Gateway also must be set properly to connect from Bluemix to a blue zone zOS DB2. Instructions.
当我安装 许可证时,许可证问题消失了DB2 Connect。
The license problem disappeared when I installed license for DB2 Connect.
要连接到IBM大型机数据库服务器,您需要一个许可的DB2 Connect产品。您不能使用IBM数据服务器客户端直接连接到IBM大型机数据服务器。
"To connect to an IBM mainframe database server you require a licensed DB2 Connect product. You cannot connect directly to an IBM mainframe Data Server using a IBM data server client." link
"You can add DB2 Connect™ capability to any client or driver."
Use db2licm command to register the license.
如何安装DB2 Connect到Bluemix仍然是开放的,或者Secure Gateway可能包含DB2 Connect ..但不确定..也可以使用连接服务器。稍后将添加评论。
How to install DB2 Connect to Bluemix is still open, alternatively Secure Gateway might contain DB2 Connect.. but not sure .. and a connection server can be used also. Will add comments later.
这篇关于将Cloud Foundry PHP应用程序推送到Bluemix时,Z / OS许可证文件在哪里放置?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!