


I want to add hyperlinks to my report. The hyperlink set in one report should take me to another subreport. Could you please tell me if this is feasible. If it is could you please provide step by step approach to achieve this?


我解决了我的问题。我没有要求我必须将任何值从一个子报表传递到另一个子报表。所以我只需右键单击我想要链接的文本字段。我将Hyperlink目标设置为Self,将Hyperlink类型设置为LocalPage,并在Hyperlink Page表达式中设置以下表达式:Integer.valueOf(i),其中i是页码(在我的情况下是表单号)我在哪里想要超链接带我。如果你想要,你也可以使用以下属性:Integer.valueOf($ V {REPORT_COUNT})。

I got the solution to my problem. I had no requirement where I had to to pass any value from one subreport to another. So I simply right clicked on the textfield that I wanted the link on. I set the Hyperlink target as "Self" and Hyperlink type as "LocalPage" and in Hyperlink Page expression I set the following expression : Integer.valueOf(i) ,where i is page number(in my case it was sheet number) where I want the hyperlink to take me. If you want you can also use the following property : Integer.valueOf($V{REPORT_COUNT}).



09-16 11:28