我一直在尝试将最新的 JACK和JILL构建系统用于我的android项目.我知道JACK流程包括proguard处理.
I have been trying to use the latest JACK and JILL build system to for my android project. I know that JACK process includes the proguard processing.
但是之后,我找不到 mappings.txt 文件,用于 Google Play开发者控制台上提供的错误的回溯堆栈跟踪.
But after that i couldn't locate the mappings.txt file for back-tracking stack-trace of bugs provided on google play developer console.
请帮助我 LOCATE mappings.txt .
另一个相关的问题是, shrinkingResources 在 JACK 时是否仍然有效,因为 shrinkingResources 需要 minifyEnabled true 但 JACK 需要 minifyEnabled false .
Another related question is if the shrinkingResources still works while JACK because shrinkingResources requires minifyEnabled true but JACK requires minifyEnabled false.
compileSdkVersion 24
buildToolsVersion "24.0.0"
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.1.2'
Answer posted by T. Neidhart is NOT a working solution.
There is nowhere to find that mappings file as JACK internally process proguard and there are some issues pointed on android tools site while enabling JACK.
So for now not using JACK is the best option if you care tracing back exceptions in your apps.
这篇关于使用JACK时会在哪里生成proguard mappings.txt文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!