本文介绍了Android AsyncTask内存泄漏的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我编写了MyAsyncTask,用于以MyActivity代码(而不是静态类)从服务器下载小于1 KB的小数据.它将存储对MyActivity实例的隐式引用.而且,如果我将启动MyAsyncTask.execute(),则无法完成MyActivity实例的垃圾收集,直到此AsyncTask完成.因此,如果我在执行AsyncTask时旋转屏幕,那么旧的MyActivity实例将在内存中-这是内存泄漏.

I read some questions here, some articles in Internet, but the question about memory leaks in AsyncTask isn't clear for me. Please, can you give me an advice?
Let's consider some situations:

1) AsyncTask is an inner class
I write MyAsyncTask for downloading small data from the server (<1 KB) in MyActivity code (not as static class). It will store an implicit reference to MyActivity instance. And if i'll start MyAsyncTask.execute(), then MyActivity instance cannot be Garbage Collected, until this AsyncTask will finish. So, if I'll rotate the screen during AsyncTask executing, then old MyActivity instance will be in memory - and it is memory leak.
What I decided to do: because of size of my data for downloading, I will cancel my AsyncTask in onDestroy() method in MyActivity. In this way, I have such code of MyActivity:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

//views and constants
private MyAsyncTask air;
private ProgressDialog progressDialog;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
    //findViewById, etc.


protected void onStart() {
    air = new MyAsyncTask();

protected void onDestroy() {
    if (air.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING) {
    air = null;

class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> {

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        if (!progressDialog.isShowing())

    protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
        //GET request
        return result;

    protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
        //handle results





So, if my activity instance is destroyed, I cancel my async task, and create new instance in onStart(). Will it produce memory leaks, or can it produce IllegalArgumentException/NullPointerException because of progressDialog instance? I suppose, it will not produce any exceptions, because if I cancel the AsyncTask, onPostExecute() will not be called.

2) AsyncTask in own file
The next case is when I write MyAsyncTask in other file, and pass in constructor Context instance. Will such approach produce memory leaks, if I'll store Context as WeakReference? And is it correct idea to cancel AsyncTask in onDestroy() method in calling Activity to avoid IllegalArgumentException/NullPointerException during onPostExecute() method? Or, other way to avoid these exceptions is to check my Context variable for null.

Other approaches: I've heard about Otto library, about using retained Fragments, but now I want to understand these questions. If somebody knows - please, answer.


  1. 取消是解决内存泄漏的好方法.不过,由于您在onStart中设置了新任务,因此您可能要考虑在onStop中取消.您可能想将其与取消onStop中的progressDialog结合使用,因为您要取消任务.

  1. Cancelling is a good way to solve your memory leak. You might want to consider cancelling in onStop though, since you set up a new task in onStart.You might want to combine this with dismissing the progressDialog in onStop, since you're cancelling the task.


If you cancel the task, you will not cause a memory leak. If you don't, you might cause a temporary memory leak. You could for example solve that by constructing the new Java file with a context.getApplicationContext() instead of normal getContext / this (Activity). Then it will not be tied to the activity but to the application (the application survives orientation change). You however won't be able to access the dialog in onPostExecute(). Instead you could use a callback to a listener if you want. Make the activity implement the listener (and detach it onStop). But cancelling is a fine approach as well.

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08-04 05:10