


I have recently been working on a project that uses a neural network for virtual robot control. I used tensorflow to code it up and it runs smoothly. So far, I used sequential simulations to evaluate how good the neural network is, however, I want to run several simulations in parallel to reduce the amount of time it takes to get data.

为此,我要导入python的multiprocessing包.最初,我将sess变量(sess=tf.Session())传递给将运行模拟的函数.但是,一旦我找到任何使用此sess变量的语句,该过程便会退出,而不会发出警告.经过四处寻找之后,我发现了以下两个帖子: Tensorflow:将会话传递给python多进程同时运行多个tensorflow会话

To do this I am importing python's multiprocessing package. Initially I was passing the sess variable (sess=tf.Session()) to a function that would run the simulation. However, once I get to any statement that uses this sess variable, the process quits without a warning. After searching around for a bit I found these two posts:Tensorflow: Passing a session to a python multiprocessand Running multiple tensorflow sessions concurrently


While they are highly related I haven't been able to figure out how to make it work. I tried creating a session for each individual process and assigning the weights of the neural net to its trainable parameters without success. I've also tried saving the session into a file and then loading it within a process, but no luck there either.


Has someone been able to pass a session (or clones of sessions) to several processes?



您不能使用Python多重处理以直接方式将TensorFlow Session传递给multiprocessing.Pool,因为Session对象不能腌制(因为它可能会管理GPU内存和状态,所以它基本上是不可序列化的.)

You can't use Python multiprocessing to pass a TensorFlow Session into a multiprocessing.Pool in the straightfoward way because the Session object can't be pickled (it's fundamentally not serializable because it may manage GPU memory and state like that).

我建议使用 actor 对代码进行并行化,它们实际上是的并行计算类似物对象"及其用于管理分布式设置中的状态.

I'd suggest parallelizing the code using actors, which are essentially the parallel computing analog of "objects" and use used to manage state in the distributed setting.

Ray 是一个很好的框架.您可以定义一个Python类,该类管理TensorFlow Session,并公开一种用于运行模拟的方法.

Ray is a good framework for doing this. You can define a Python class which manages the TensorFlow Session and exposes a method for running your simulation.

import ray
import tensorflow as tf


class Simulator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.simple_model = tf.constant([1.0])

    def simulate(self):
        return self.sess.run(self.simple_model)

# Create two actors.
simulators = [Simulator.remote() for _ in range(2)]

# Run two simulations in parallel.
results = ray.get([s.simulate.remote() for s in simulators])


请参见 Ray文档.请注意,我是Ray开发人员之一.

See the Ray documentation. Note that I'm one of the Ray developers.


09-05 10:34