


我需要找到一个可以放在1按钮宏下的解决方案,可以删除带有特定文件扩展名的特定附件。 目前我正在做以下事项:

I need to find a solution that can be placed under a 1 button macro, that can remove specific attachments with certain file extensions.  At present I am doing the following:

1)使用OUTLOOK搜索词ext:xxxx(xxxx是文件扩展名)我正在显示所有电子邮件包含给定文件扩展名附件。 然后,我可以按日期订购此过滤器以获取给定年龄的任何电子邮件。

1) Using the OUTLOOK search term ext: xxxx (xxxx being the file extension) I am being shown all emails that contains a given file extension attachment.  I can then order this filter by date to get any emails over a given age.


2) I already have a Macro that, if I highlight multiple emails, it will remove ALL attachments from those emails. 




Is there an element of VBA code I can use to just focus on a specific file extension, so if I just want all XLSX attachments from highlighted emails removed, it can do so and leave other attachments alone?

下面我粘贴了我正在使用的宏代码,删除了所有附件。 这可以修改为只关注给定的文件类型吗? 即使我有一个仅用于XLXS的宏和另一个用于CSV的宏,也没关系。

Below I have pasted the Macro code I am currently using that removes ALL attachments.  Can this be modded to just focus on a given file type?  Even if I have a macro just for XLXS and another for CSV for example, that would be fine.

公共 Sub ReplaceAttachmentsToLink()



10-27 14:47