本文介绍了Asp.net MVC单选按钮检索所选数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的工作与ASP.net MVC4剃刀和JavaScript。


    &所述; TR>
        <第i单方面前腰< /第i
        百分位方式>&斜面LT; /第i
        <第i布埃诺< /第i
        <第i个;定期与LT; /第i
        <第i Deficiente< /第i
        <第i Observaciones< /第i
    < / TR>
    @ {INT numitem = 0;}
    @for(VAR I = 0; I< ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal.Count;我++)
        &所述; TR>
        < TD> @ ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_descripcion< / TD>
        < TD> @ Html.TextBox(的String.Format(txtpieza {0},numitem),(INT)ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .piv_cantidad,新{ID =的String.Format(txtpieza {0}, ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_idparte pre.ToString()),风格=宽度:25px的;文本对齐:权利;的onkeyup =checkInt(本),sololectura = FALSE})LT; / TD>
        < TD类=TD-中心>
            @ Html.RadioButton(的String.Format(rbtestado {0},numitem),B,新{ID =的String.Format(B {0},ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_idparte pre的ToString()),sololectura = FALSE})
        < / TD>
        < TD类=TD-中心>
            @ Html.RadioButton(的String.Format(rbtestado {0},numitem),R,新{ID =的String.Format(R {0},ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_idparte pre的ToString()),sololectura = FALSE})
        < / TD>
        < TD类=TD-中心>
            @ Html.RadioButton(的String.Format(rbtestado {0},numitem),D,新{ID =的String.Format(D {0},ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_idparte pre的ToString()),sololectura = FALSE})
        < / TD>
        < TD> @ Html.TextBox(的String.Format(txtobservacion {0},numitem),(串)ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .piv_observacion,新{ID =的String.Format(txtobservacion {0}, ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_idparte pre.ToString()),风格=宽度:150像素;sololectura = FALSE})LT; / TD>
        &所述; TD>
        @ {
            字符串IdParte pre =的String.Format({0},numitem);
            字符串单方面pre =的String.Format({0}(INT)ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal [I] .cprp_idparte pre);
            numitem ++;
        <输入ID =@ IdParte pre型=隐藏的名字=@单方面preVALUE =@单方面pre/>
        < / TD>
        < / TR>    }
    < /表>



 的Request.Form [RadioName]。的ToString()

I'm working with ASP.net MVC4 with razor and javascript.

I load my view as follow:When Retrieve data from database not check the values ​​of radiobutton, the radiobutton is empty, How I can resolve this problem? the values ​​is in the Textbox are recovered the radiobutton no.

        <th>Parte Frontal</th>
    @{int numitem = 0;}
    @for (var i = 0; i < ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal.Count; i++)
        <td>@Html.TextBox(string.Format("txtpieza{0}", numitem), (int)ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].piv_cantidad, new { id = string.Format("txtpieza{0}", ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].cprp_idpartepre.ToString()), style = "width:25px;text-align:right;", onkeyup = "checkInt(this)", sololectura = false })</td>
        <td class="td-center">
            @Html.RadioButton(String.Format("rbtestado{0}", numitem), "B", new { id = string.Format("B{0}", ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].cprp_idpartepre.ToString()), sololectura = false })
        <td class="td-center">
            @Html.RadioButton(String.Format("rbtestado{0}", numitem), "R", new { id = string.Format("R{0}", ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].cprp_idpartepre.ToString()), sololectura = false })
        <td class="td-center">
            @Html.RadioButton(String.Format("rbtestado{0}", numitem), "D", new { id = string.Format("D{0}", ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].cprp_idpartepre.ToString()), sololectura = false })
        <td>@Html.TextBox(string.Format("txtobservacion{0}", numitem), (string)ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].piv_observacion, new { id = string.Format("txtobservacion{0}", ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].cprp_idpartepre.ToString()), style = "width:150px;", sololectura = false })</td>
            string IdPartePre = String.Format("{0}", numitem);
            string PartePre = String.Format("{0}", (int)ViewBag.DatosExtFrontal[i].cprp_idpartepre);
        <input id="@IdPartePre" type="hidden" name="@PartePre" value="@PartePre"/>


if you can't use a for helper to tie it to your model then you will need to put a unique name on the field and then you can get the value on your controller using


这篇关于Asp.net MVC单选按钮检索所选数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 23:04