

我看到一些网站使用动态形式(我不知道如何称呼他们!)编辑一组数据。例如:有一组,如名字,姓氏,城市,country.etc数据。当用户点击而不是做回发,窗体的文本框2 + 2组合框consisisting上的EDIT按钮,动态打开进行编辑,然后当你点击保存按钮,编辑表单消失了,所有的数据更新..

I see some web sites use dynamic forms(I am not sure about how to call them!) to edit a group of data. For example: there is a group of data such as name, last name, city, country.etc. when user clicks on EDIT button, instead of doing postback, a form, consisisting of 2 textboxes + 2 comboboxes, dynamically opens to edit,And then when you click on Save button, edit form disappears, and all data updates..

现在,我知道在这里发生过的使用Ajax服务器调用和一些JavaScript的DOM操作..我甚至发现文本编辑一些jQuery插件..全面落实表单域但是,我无法找到任何东西。因此,我的jQuery Ajax调用和DOM操作手动实现它asp.net。这里是我的过程:

Now, I know what happens over here is using Ajax for server calls and some javascript for dom manipulation.. I even found some jquery plugins for textbox editing.. However, I could not found anything for full implementation of form fields. Therefore I have implemented it on asp.net by jquery ajax calls and dom manipulation manually. here is my process:


1) when Edit button clicked: Make a ajax call to server to retrieve necessary formedit.aspx2) it returns editable form fields with values assigned.3) when Save button clicked: make ajax call to server to retrieve formupdateprocess.aspx page. it basically do the database updates and then return necessary DOM snipplet (...) to insert current page..


well ıt works but MY PROBLEM, is performance.. Result seems slower than samples I see in other sites.:((


IS there anything that I dont know? a better way to implement this??



I would keep the edit form on the client, but hidden with e.g. "style="display:none;", and then show it when the user clicks the edit button. Loading a form from the server in this event is very costly performance wise.


This is a very basic example and doesn't consider positioning the edit form etc.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            $("#showEdit").click(function () {
                $("#editForm").css("display", "block");
    <div id="editForm" style="display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 999;">
            <label for="surnameInput">Surname:</label>
            <input id="surnameInput" type="text" />
            <label for="firstNameInput">Surname:</label>
            <input id="firstNameInput" type="text" />
    <input id="showEdit" type="button" value="Edit" />


This does mean your main page will have to carry the edit field values from first load, but very often that is a small price to pay, because the user accepts a wait at that time, not when they click a button.


05-28 04:29