

我正在为他们的并行编程课程进行 Udacity 测验.我很纠结于我应该如何开始作业,因为我不确定我是否理解正确.

I am working on an Udacity quiz for their parallel programming course. I am pretty stuck on how I should start on the assignment because I am not sure if I understand it correctly.


For the assignment (in code) we are given two arrays and array on values and an array of positions. We are supposed to sort the array of values with a parallelized radix sort, along with setting the positions correctly too.


I completely understand radix sort and how it works. What I don't understand is how they want us to implemented it. Here is the template given to start the assignment

//Udacity HW 4
//Radix Sorting

#include "reference_calc.cpp"
#include "utils.h"

/* Red Eye Removal

   For this assignment we are implementing red eye removal.  This is
   accomplished by first creating a score for every pixel that tells us how
   likely it is to be a red eye pixel.  We have already done this for you - you
   are receiving the scores and need to sort them in ascending order so that we
   know which pixels to alter to remove the red eye.

   Note: ascending order == smallest to largest

   Each score is associated with a position, when you sort the scores, you must
   also move the positions accordingly.

   Implementing Parallel Radix Sort with CUDA

   The basic idea is to construct a histogram on each pass of how many of each
   "digit" there are.   Then we scan this histogram so that we know where to put
   the output of each digit.  For example, the first 1 must come after all the
   0s so we have to know how many 0s there are to be able to start moving 1s
   into the correct position.

   1) Histogram of the number of occurrences of each digit
   2) Exclusive Prefix Sum of Histogram
   3) Determine relative offset of each digit
        For example [0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
                ->  [0 1 0 1 2 3 2]
   4) Combine the results of steps 2 & 3 to determine the final
      output location for each element and move it there

   LSB Radix sort is an out-of-place sort and you will need to ping-pong values
   between the input and output buffers we have provided.  Make sure the final
   sorted results end up in the output buffer!  Hint: You may need to do a copy
   at the end.


void your_sort(unsigned int* const d_inputVals,
               unsigned int* const d_inputPos,
               unsigned int* const d_outputVals,
               unsigned int* const d_outputPos,
               const size_t numElems)


我特别不明白这 4 个步骤是如何对数组进行排序的.

I specifically don't understand how those 4 steps end up sorting the array.

所以第一步,我应该创建一个数字"的直方图(为什么用引号......?).因此,给定输入值 n,我需要将 0 和 1 的计数转换为直方图.那么,步骤 1 是否应该创建一个直方图数组,每个输入值一个?

So for the first step, I am supposed to create a histogram of the "digits" (why is that in quotes..?). So given a input value n I need to make a count of the 0's and 1's into a histogram. So, should step 1 create an array of histograms, one for each input value?


And well, for the rest of the steps it breaks down pretty quickly. Could someone show me how these steps are supposed to implement a radix sort?



The basic idea behind a radix sort is that we will consider each element to be sorted digit by digit, from least significant to most significant. For each digit, we will move the elements so that those digits are in increasing order.

让我们举一个非常简单的例子.让我们对四个数量进行排序,每个数量都有 4 个二进制数字.让我们选择 1、4、7 和 14.我们将它们混合起来,并可视化二进制表示:

Let's take a really simple example. Let's sort four quantities, each of which have 4 binary digits. Let's choose 1, 4, 7, and 14. We'll mix them up and also visualize the binary representation:

Element #    1       2       3       4
Value:       7       14      4       1
Binary:      0111    1110    0100    0001

首先我们将考虑位 0:

First we will consider bit 0:

Element #    1       2       3       4
Value:       7       14      4       1
Binary:      0111    1110    0100    0001
bit 0:       1       0       0       1

现在基数排序算法说我们必须以这样的方式移动元素(仅考虑位 0)所有零都在左侧,所有零都在右侧.让我们这样做,同时用零位保留元素的顺序用一位保留元素的顺序.我们可以这样做:

Now the radix sort algorithm says we must move the elements in such a way that (considering only bit 0) all the zeroes are on the left, and all the ones are on the right. Let's do this while preserving the order of the elements with a zero bit and preserving the order of the elements with a one bit. We could do that like this:

Element #    2       3       1       4
Value:       14      4       7       1
Binary:      1110    0100    0111    0001
bit 0:       0       0       1       1


The first step of our radix sort is complete. The next step is to consider the next (binary) digit:

Element #    3       2       1       4
Value:       4       14      7       1
Binary:      0100    1110    0111    0001
bit 1:       0       1       1       0

再一次,我们必须移动元素,以便相关数字(位 1)按升序排列:

Once again, we must move elements so that the digit in question (bit 1) is arranged in ascending order:

Element #    3       4       2       1
Value:       4       1       14      7
Binary:      0100    0001    1110    0111
bit 1:       0       0       1       1


Now we must move to the next higher digit:

Element #    3       4       2       1
Value:       4       1       14      7
Binary:      0100    0001    1110    0111
bit 2:       1       0       1       1


Element #    4       3       2       1
Value:       1       4       14      7
Binary:      0001    0100    1110    0111
bit 2:       0       1       1       1


Now we move to the last (highest order) digit:

Element #    4       3       2       1
Value:       1       4       14      7
Binary:      0001    0100    1110    0111
bit 3:       0       0       1       0


Element #    4       3       1       2
Value:       1       4       7       14
Binary:      0001    0100    0111    1110
bit 3:       0       0       0       1

现在对值进行排序.希望这看起来很清楚,但在到目前为止的描述中,我们已经掩盖了诸如我们如何知道要移动哪些元素?"之类的细节.以及我们怎么知道把它们放在哪里?"所以让我们重复我们的例子,但我们将使用提示中建议的具体方法和顺序来回答这些问题.从位 0 开始:

And the values are now sorted. This hopefully seems clear, but in the description so far we've glossed over the details of things like "how do we know which elements to move?" and "how do we know where to put them?" So let's repeat our example, but we'll use the specific methods and sequence suggested in the prompt, in order to answer these questions. Starting over with bit 0:

Element #    1       2       3       4
Value:       7       14      4       1
Binary:      0111    1110    0100    0001
bit 0:       1       0       0       1

首先让我们构建一个位 0 位置的零位数和位 0 位置的 1 位数的直方图:

bit 0:       1       0       0       1

              zero bits       one bits
              ---------       --------
1)histogram:         2              2


Now let's do an exclusive prefix-sum on these histogram values:

              zero bits       one bits
              ---------       --------
1)histogram:         2              2
2)prefix sum:        0              2

独占前缀和只是所有前面值的总和.第一个位置没有前面的值,第二个位置的前面的值是 2(位 0 位置具有 0 位的元素数).现在,作为一个独立的操作,让我们确定所有零位中每个 0 位的相对偏移量,以及所有 1 位中的每个位的相对偏移量:

An exclusive prefix-sum is just the sum of all preceding values. There are no preceding values in the first position, and in the second position the preceding value is 2 (the number of elements with a 0 bit in bit 0 position). Now, as an independent operation, let's determine the relative offset of each 0 bit amongst all the zero bits, and each one bit amongst all the one bits:

bit 0:       1       0       0       1
3)offset:    0       0       1       1

这实际上可以再次使用独占前缀和以编程方式完成,分别考虑 0-group 和 1-group,并将每个位置视为其值为 1:

This can actually be done programmatically using exclusive prefix-sums again, considering the 0-group and 1-group separately, and treating each position as if it has a value of 1:

0 bit 0:             1       1
3)ex. psum:          0       1

1 bit 0:     1                        1
3)ex. psum:  0                        1

现在,给定算法的第 4 步说:

Now, step 4 of the given algorithm says:

4) 合并第 2 步和第 2 步的结果3 确定每个元素的最终输出位置并将其移动到那里

这意味着,对于每个元素,我们将选择与其位值(0 或 1)相对应的 histogram-bin 前缀总和值,并加上与其位置相关的偏移量,以确定要移动的位置该元素:

What this means is, for each element, we will select the histogram-bin prefix sum value corresponding to its bit value (0 or 1) and add to that, the offset associated with its position, to determine the location to move that element to:

Element #    1       2       3       4
Value:       7       14      4       1
Binary:      0111    1110    0100    0001
bit 0:       1       0       0       1
hist psum:   2       0       0       2
offset:      0       0       1       1
new index:   2       0       1       3


Moving each element to its "new index" position, we have:

Element #    2       3       1       4
Value:       14      4       7       1
Binary:      0111    1110    0111    0001

根据之前的演练,这正是我们期望完成第一个数字移动的结果.这样就完成了第 1 步,即第一个(最低位)数字;我们还有剩余的数字要处理,在每一步创建一个新的直方图和新的前缀和.

Which is exactly the result we expect for the completion of our first digit-move, based on the previous walk-through. This has completed step 1, i.e. the first (least-significant) digit; we still have the remaining digits to process, creating a new histogram and new prefix sums at each step.


  1. 基数排序,即使在计算机中,也不必严格基于二进制数字来完成.可以使用不同大小的数字构建类似的算法,可能由 2、3 或 4 位组成.
  2. 我们可以对基数排序执行的优化之一是仅根据实际有意义的位数进行排序.例如,如果我们以 32 位值存储数量,但我们知道存在的最大数量是 1023 (2^10-1),我们不需要对所有 32 位进行排序.在处理前 10 位之后,我们可以停下来,期待正确的排序.
  3. 这与 GPU 有什么关系?就上述描述而言,并不多.实际应用是考虑使用并行算法处理直方图、前缀和和数据移动等内容.基数排序的这种分解允许人们定位和使用已经为这些更基本的操作开发的并行算法,以构建快速并行排序.
  1. Radix-sort, even in a computer, does not have to be done based strictly on binary digits. It's possible to construct a similar algorithm with digits of different sizes, perhaps consisting of 2,3, or 4 bits.
  2. One of the optimizations we can perform on a radix sort is to only sort based on the number of digits that are actually meaningful. For example, if we are storing quantities in 32-bit values, but we know that the largest quantity present is 1023 (2^10-1), we need not sort on all 32 bits. We can stop, expecting a proper sort, after proceeding through the first 10 bits.
  3. What does any of this have to do with GPUs? In so far as the above description goes, not much. The practical application is to consider using parallel algorithms for things like the histogram, the prefix-sums, and the data movement. This decomposition of radix-sort allows one to locate and use parallel algorithms already developed for these more basic operations, in order to construct a fast parallel sort.

接下来是一个有效的例子.这可能有助于您理解基数排序.我认为这对您的分配没有帮助,因为此示例在扭曲级别执行 32 位基数排序,对于单个扭曲,即.32 份.但从理解的角度来看,一个可能的优势是,利用各种 CUDA 内在函数,只需几条指令就可以在扭曲级别完成诸如直方图和前缀和之类的事情.对于您的作业,您将无法使用这些技术,并且您需要想出可以对任意数据集大小进行操作的全功能并行前缀和、直方图等.

What follows is a worked example. This may help with your understanding of radix sort. I don't think it will help with your assignment, because this example performs a 32-bit radix sort at the warp level, for a single warp, ie. for 32 quantities. But a possible advantage from an understanding point of view is that things like histogramming and prefix sums can be done at the warp level in just a few instructions, taking advantage of various CUDA intrinsics. For your assignment, you won't be able to use these techniques, and you will need to come up with full-featured parallel prefix sums, histograms, etc. that can operate on an arbitrary dataset size.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define WSIZE 32
#define LOOPS 100000
#define UPPER_BIT 31
#define LOWER_BIT 0

__device__ unsigned int ddata[WSIZE];

// naive warp-level bitwise radix sort

__global__ void mykernel(){
  __shared__ volatile unsigned int sdata[WSIZE*2];
  // load from global into shared variable
  sdata[threadIdx.x] = ddata[threadIdx.x];
  unsigned int bitmask = 1<<LOWER_BIT;
  unsigned int offset  = 0;
  unsigned int thrmask = 0xFFFFFFFFU << threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int mypos;
  //  for each LSB to MSB
  for (int i = LOWER_BIT; i <= UPPER_BIT; i++){
    unsigned int mydata = sdata[((WSIZE-1)-threadIdx.x)+offset];
    unsigned int mybit  = mydata&bitmask;
    // get population of ones and zeroes (cc 2.0 ballot)
    unsigned int ones = __ballot(mybit); // cc 2.0
    unsigned int zeroes = ~ones;
    offset ^= WSIZE; // switch ping-pong buffers
    // do zeroes, then ones
    if (!mybit) // threads with a zero bit
      // get my position in ping-pong buffer
      mypos = __popc(zeroes&thrmask);
    else        // threads with a one bit
      // get my position in ping-pong buffer
      mypos = __popc(zeroes)+__popc(ones&thrmask);
    // move to buffer  (or use shfl for cc 3.0)
    sdata[mypos-1+offset] = mydata;
    // repeat for next bit
    bitmask <<= 1;
  // save results to global
  ddata[threadIdx.x] = sdata[threadIdx.x+offset];

int main(){

  unsigned int hdata[WSIZE];
  for (int lcount = 0; lcount < LOOPS; lcount++){
    unsigned int range = 1U<<UPPER_BIT;
    for (int i = 0; i < WSIZE; i++) hdata[i] = rand()%range;
    cudaMemcpyToSymbol(ddata, hdata, WSIZE*sizeof(unsigned int));
    mykernel<<<1, WSIZE>>>();
    cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(hdata, ddata, WSIZE*sizeof(unsigned int));
    for (int i = 0; i < WSIZE-1; i++) if (hdata[i] > hdata[i+1]) {printf("sort error at loop %d, hdata[%d] = %d, hdata[%d] = %d
", lcount,i, hdata[i],i+1, hdata[i+1]); return 1;}
    // printf("sorted data:
    //for (int i = 0; i < WSIZE; i++) printf("%u
", hdata[i]);
  return 0;


07-23 06:40