本文介绍了Mac 上的 aspell 私人词典在哪的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Mac Os X 上使用 emacs,我用自制软件安装了 aspell.我不小心在我的私人词典"中添加了一个错误的词,但是那个词典在哪里?如何打开它并查看我在其中添加的内容?

I am using emacs on Mac Os X and I installed aspell with homebrew. I accidentally added a wrong word to my "private dictionary", but where is that dictionary? How can I open it and see what I have added in there?

我在这里发现了一个类似的问题(如何删除来自 ispell 私人词典的条目?)但我找不到他们提到的目录.我在 usrlocalCellaraspell 找到了一个 aspell 文件夹,但是我还是找不到哪个是私人字典.

I found a similar question here (How to remove an entry from ispell private dictionary?) but I couldn't find the directories they mentioned. I found one aspell folder at usrlocalCellaraspell, but I still can't find which one is the private dictionary.


搜索以 .pws 结尾的文件——它可能看起来像这样 .aspell.en.pws 为英文.

Search for a file ending in .pws -- it will probably look something like this .aspell.en.pws for English.

您也可以运行类似的程序来查看所有内容的位置——只需将路径更改为您自己的 aspell 可执行文件所在的位置:

You can also run something like this to see where everything is located -- just change the path to wherever your own aspell executable is located:

/Users/HOME/.0.data/.0.emacs/elpa/bin/aspell --lang=en dump config

如果你想改变一些东西,你可以创建一个 aspell.conf 并将它放在 etc 文件夹中,它应该在靠近aspell 可执行文件所在的位置.我实际上必须创建 etc 文件夹和 aspell.conf 因为通用安装的 make 过程没有创建该文件夹.运行上述命令行还会告诉您 aspell 查找 aspell.conf 文件的位置.

If you want to change things, you can create an aspell.conf and put it inside the etc folder, which should be in the same set of directories near to where the aspell executable is located. I actually had to create the etc folder and the aspell.conf because the make process of a generic installation did not create that folder. Running the above command-line will also tell you the location where aspell looks for the aspell.conf file.

示例 aspell.conf:我只使用西班牙语和英语——我的设置默认是后者——借用(和修改自):https://github.com/jone/dotfiles/blob/master/aspell.conf

Sample aspell.conf: I only use Spanish and English -- the default on my setup is the latter -- borrowed (and modified from): https://github.com/jone/dotfiles/blob/master/aspell.conf

# /Users/HOME/.0.data/.0.emacs/elpa/bin/aspell --lang=en dump config

# conf (string)
#   main configuration file
# default: aspell.conf

# home-dir (string)
#   location for personal files
# default: <$HOME|./> = /Users/jone
# home-dir $HOME/Library/Preferences/aspell
home-dir /Users/HOME/.0.data/.0.emacs

# personal (string)
#   personal dictionary file name
# default: .aspell.<lang>.pws = .aspell.de_CH.pws
personal .aspell.en.pws

# conf-dir (string)
#   location of main configuration file
# default: <prefix:etc> = /usr/local/etc

# data-dir (string)
#   location of language data files
# default: <prefix:lib/aspell-0.60> = /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60
# data-dir /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60

# dict-alias (list)
#   create dictionary aliases

# dict-dir (string)
#   location of the main word list
# default: <data-dir> = /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60
# dict-dir /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60

# encoding (string)
#   encoding to expect data to be in
# default: !encoding = UTF-8

# filter (list)
#   add or removes a filter

# filter-path (list)
#   path(s) aspell looks for filters

# mode (string)
#   filter mode
# default: url
# mode tex

# extra-dicts (list)
#   extra dictionaries to use

# ignore (integer)
#   ignore words <= n chars
# default: 1

# ignore-case (boolean)
#   ignore case when checking words
# default: false

# ignore-repl (boolean)
#   ignore commands to store replacement pairs
# default: false
ignore-repl false

# keyboard (string)
#   keyboard definition to use for typo analysis
# default: standard

# lang (string)
#   language code
# default: <language-tag> = de_CH

# local-data-dir (string)
#   location of local language data files
# default: <actual-dict-dir> = /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60/

# master (string)
#   base name of the main dictionary to use
# default: <lang> = de_CH

# normalize (boolean)
#   enable Unicode normalization
# default: true

# norm-required (boolean)
#   Unicode normalization required for current lang
# default: false

# norm-form (string)
#   Unicode normalization form: none, nfd, nfc, comp
# default: nfc

# norm-strict (boolean)
#   avoid lossy conversions when normalization
# default: false

# per-conf (string)
#   personal configuration file
# default: .aspell.conf

# prefix (string)
#   prefix directory
# default: /usr/local

# repl (string)
#   replacements list file name
# default: .aspell.<lang>.prepl = .aspell.de_CH.prepl

# run-together (boolean)
#   consider run-together words legal
# default: false

# run-together-limit (integer)
#   maximum number that can be strung together
# default: 2

# run-together-min (integer)
#   minimal length of interior words
# default: 3

# save-repl (boolean)
#   save replacement pairs on save all
# default: true

# set-prefix (boolean)
#   set the prefix based on executable location
# default: true

# size (string)
#   size of the word list
# default: +60

# sug-mode (string)
#   suggestion mode
# default: normal

# sug-edit-dist (integer)
#   edit distance to use, override sug-mode default
# default: 1

# sug-typo-analysis (boolean)
#   use typo analysis, override sug-mode default
# default: true

# sug-repl-table (boolean)
#   use replacement tables, override sug-mode default
# default: true

# sug-split-char (list)
#   characters to insert when a word is split

# use-other-dicts (boolean)
#   use personal, replacement & session dictionaries
# default: true

# variety (list)
#   extra information for the word list

# warn (boolean)
#   enable warnings
# default: true

# affix-compress (boolean)
#   use affix compression when creating dictionaries
# default: false

# clean-affixes (boolean)
#   remove invalid affix flags
# default: true

# clean-words (boolean)
#   attempts to clean words so that they are valid
# default: false

# invisible-soundslike (boolean)
#   compute soundslike on demand rather than storing
# default: false

# partially-expand (boolean)
#   partially expand affixes for better suggestions
# default: false

# skip-invalid-words (boolean)
#   skip invalid words
# default: true

# validate-affixes (boolean)
#   check if affix flags are valid
# default: true

# validate-words (boolean)
#   check if words are valid
# default: true

# backup (boolean)
#   create a backup file by appending ".bak"
# default: true

# byte-offsets (boolean)
#   use byte offsets instead of character offsets
# default: false

# guess (boolean)
#   create missing root/affix combinations
# default: false

# keymapping (string)
#   keymapping for check mode: "aspell" or "ispell"
# default: aspell

# reverse (boolean)
#   reverse the order of the suggest list
# default: false

# suggest (boolean)
#   suggest possible replacements
# default: true

# time (boolean)
#   time load time and suggest time in pipe mode
# default: false

# Filter: context
#   experimental filter for hiding delimited contexts
# configured as follows:

# f-context-delimiters (list)
#   context delimiters (separated by spaces)

# f-context-visible-first (boolean)
#   swaps visible and invisible text
# default: false

# Filter: email
#   filter for skipping quoted text in email messages
# configured as follows:

# f-email-quote (list)
#   email quote characters

# f-email-margin (integer)
#   num chars that can appear before the quote char
# default: 10

# Filter: html
#   filter for dealing with HTML documents
# configured as follows:

# f-html-check (list)
#   HTML attributes to always check

# f-html-skip (list)
#   HTML tags to always skip the contents of

# Filter: sgml
#   filter for dealing with generic SGML/XML documents
# configured as follows:

# f-sgml-check (list)
#   SGML attributes to always check

# f-sgml-skip (list)
#   SGML tags to always skip the contents of

# Filter: tex
#   filter for dealing with TeX/LaTeX documents
# configured as follows:

# f-tex-check-comments (boolean)
#   check TeX comments
# default: false

# f-tex-command (list)
#   TeX commands

# Filter: texinfo
#   filter for dealing with Texinfo documents
# configured as follows:

# f-texinfo-ignore (list)
#   Texinfo commands to ignore the parameters of

# f-texinfo-ignore-env (list)
#   Texinfo environments to ignore

这些是我在 Windows 和 OSX 上安装 aspell 的注意事项:

OSX -- To dump the aspell configuration in OSX type:

# /Users/HOME/.0.data/.0.emacs/elpa/bin/aspell --lang=en dump config

The aspell.conf goes into the .../etc directory


OSX -- ASPELL -- Binary

* unpack aspell-0.60.6.tar.gz

* cd over to the root directory of the unpacked source

PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin ./configure



sudo make install



* unpack aspell6-en-7.1-0.tar.bz2

* cd over to the root directory of the unpacked source

--vars PATH=$PATH:/Users/HOME/.0.data/.0.emacs/elpa/bin


sudo make install



* unpack aspell6-es-1.11-2.tar.bz2

* cd over to the root directory of the unpacked source

--vars PATH=$PATH:/Users/HOME/.0.data/.0.emacs/elpa/bin


sudo make install


Windows XP -- install:

BASE:  Aspell-0-50-3-3-Setup.exe

English:  Aspell-en-0.50-2-3.exe

Spanish:  Aspell-es-0.50-2-3.exe

Windows XP -- create an aspell.conf file at the following location:

c:/Program Files/Aspell/aspell.conf

# aspell.conf
# To dump the configuration, type into the terminal:
# "c:/Program Files/Aspell/bin/aspell.exe" --lang=en dump config

home-dir y:.0.emacs

personal .aspell.en.pws

repl .aspell.en.prepl

这篇关于Mac 上的 aspell 私人词典在哪的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 03:29