


Has anyone successfully automated and accepted friendship request on their twitter account without the need to click the accept button manually?

我正在尝试自动接受我的受限Twitter帐户的友谊请求.我意识到,对/friendships/accept.json 的Twitter API调用受到限制,并且我不断收到401未经授权的访问错误.

I am trying to automatically accept friendship requests for my restricted twitter account. I realize that the Twitter API call to /friendships/accept.json is restricted and I keep getting a 401 unauthorized access error.

我尝试使用各种方法来获取post_authenticity_token值,然后在发送到accept.json请求的POST参数中使用它,如以下博文所述: Twitter API:允许接受请求以跟踪经过身份验证的用户

I have tried to obtain the post_authenticity_token value using various methods to then used it in the POST parameters sent to the accept.json request as mentioned in the following post:Twitter API: Allow accept request to follow authenticated user


but it keeps failing every time. Any insight or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


请勿使用post_authenticity_token.本质上,您是易碎的屏幕刮板,违反了它们的TOS,并且无法正常工作.而是使用其API正式支持的标准 OAuth身份验证方法.

Don't use post_authenticity_token. You are essentially screen scraping which is fragile, against their TOS, and not working. Instead use the standard OAuth authentication method their API officially supports.


10-24 22:35