

的Andr​​oid 4.0带来的DRM框架,以智能手机。我很想写一个code播放视频的DRM保护,但无法找到足够的信息。

  1. 是否有关于使用DRM框架的任何教程?样品code?
  2. 如何设置一个环境 - 在服务器端创建的内容和许可证
  3. 有没有DRM保护的视频中,我可以用于测试的网络?
  4. 在插件框架声称可扩展性,但​​我无法找到既不插件AI的定义,也没有说明如何创建/添加自定义插件

修改:一个例子直通DRM插件现在可以在AOSP在框架/基/ DRM / libdrmframework /插件/中继/

还没有,很遗憾。对这个问题的唯一公开的文件是在 android.drm 包的摘要文档。



我认为这将变得更加清晰,一旦源$ C ​​$ C被释放出来,但目前还没有对此有任何进一步的信息很遗憾。

Android 4.0 brings drm framework to smartphones. I'm interested to write a code that plays video protected by the DRM, but can't find enough information.

  1. Are there any tutorials on using the DRM framework? Sample code?
  2. How to set up an environment - the server side that creates the content and licenses?
  3. Are there any DRM protected videos in the Internet that I can use for testing?
  4. The plugin framework claims extensibility, but I can't find neither plugin AI definitions, nor description how to create/add a custom plugin

EDIT: An example pass-through DRM plugin is now available in AOSP under frameworks/base/drm/libdrmframework/plugins/passthru/

Not yet, unfortunately. The only public documentation on this is at the android.drm package summary docs.

This is specific to the DRM provider.

This too is specific to the DRM provider.

I think this will become more clear once the source code is released, but for now there isn't any further info on this unfortunately.


10-11 20:43